D vitamin

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Is D-vitamin a part of Dr. Brizmans treatment?! Anyone taking D-vitamin?!

I just had my D-vitamin levels checked and they are at 27. (European way of measuring)

They say it should be above 75 if it should be ok. So I'm pretty stressed about this.

I have done some analyzis myself, and I know that I'm also low on ferretin (iron storage). The funny thing is that my Doctor does not do any conclutions from this, but I do. Isn't it funny that I'm low on vitamins that are stored in the liver?!

I take it my liver does not feel that great? All my liver tests are ok though... but I do hurt under my right rib cage.


Willow's picture

Hello Kristina,
I am on Vitamin D as part of Dr. Brizman's treatment.  However, she was very specific on the brand and the amount I'm supposed to take.  Before I started with Dr. B I had a barrage of blood tests taken that showed a variety of imbalances. I don't think my vitamin D was off, but my kidney readings were way unhealthy and my cortosol was out of whack. However, I really caution against self medicating.  Dr. B knows which of your body systems can handle metabolizing what supplement at what time.  Sometimes it's not a good idea to give your body even something it needs when it's not ready to handle it.  I'm sorry I'm not more helpful.  Basically I've learned to not think about my abnormal blood tests for now. They're just another  another sign that my whole body is out of balance, and I believe these specific readings will work themselves out as I get healthier. If you're not yet with Dr. Brizman, I'd suggest taking care of yourself, following diet List 1 to the letter, drinking tons of water and getting lots of rest.  Just doing that will take you far.  Wait to start taking supplements, etc. for when you're more stable.

flygirlsam's picture

Most chronically ill people are deficient in D and iron, as well as other important ones like magnesium and B vitamins. I think the question I have had is what comes first, the illness or the deficiency? Based on what Matia has told me it's all connected and correlated. At one time we probably had appropriate levels but over time with poor diet, drugs and lifestyle toxins, the normal functions of the body, like the liver/detox/lymph channels, were disrupted. When we have a gut imbalance the vitamins are not properly absorbed thereby creating deficiency and imbalance.. It can also be harmful to supplement at the wrong time as some vitamins will worsen or "strengthen" the inflammation making symptoms worse. Don't take my word for it, best to ask her, but this is what I've learned through all my research and discussions with her and through reading her dissertation. I do think that most people in the world, unless living in tropical climates, are in some way D deficient and the importance of this vitamin in disease prevention is finally coming to light which is a good thing. 

blondy's picture

My tests did not show vit D deficiency, but I felt better on it.

cprince's picture

I have been tested for many things, and I am vit D deficient and my liver enzymes have been quite elevated. My right side under ribs very sore and achy. Dr. B started me on vit D and I am not tolerating yet. My thoughts are that because vit D is metabolized in the liver, my liver obviously is not working up to par, and is not ready to handle this extra stress. I would agree that it is best to wait adding supplements before seeing Dr. B, your body may not be ready to metabolize the different supplements until it is in better balance.