How do I know if I am reacting to certain foods? Especially if you have to eat starch, carb, protien with each meal? Are some bigger offenders than others? I have been eating a lot of broccoli/cabbage/celery soup with my meals, but also squash, cauliflower and lettuce. I don't eat much garlic powder. I am just flaring all of the time. My pain stays between 5 and 7 and nothing I eat makes a difference. Unless I am reacing to everything and should just go on a water fast???? maybe it is more my new protocol? Does it really help to try to find flaring triggers? It seems like it will take weeks for me to figure this out. Feeling so discouraged.
It will take a long time to
It will take a long time to figure this out. The best thing you can do is find a way to get through each day and keep a journal sp you can see soem patterns. it has taken me many months to stabilize in a more confidant way. For me, mental survival is about Acceptance and Gratitude. I need to often accept that I am panicking and then find what I am grateful for at that moment.I hear your stress and I felt it and still do sometimes but not at the same level for sure anymore!! This is far from a fast treatmernt although for some people it is fast. You might be one of them! Right now, it must be so tough to deal with the kids and the flares. I have been there. You will eventually start to see a pattern but it might (or might not) take a while. Hang inthere.