I bought some smoked trout, cooked and smoked, that is in brine. It seems that Dr. B has ok'ed smoked, cooked fish for some (tho not listed). Most brine has at least some sugar. On the package it says there are zero grams of sugar. I called the company and they use 1Tbs of sugar for 5 gallons of brine. That seems so little.
Has anyone been ok'ed for this?
I emailed her but probably won't hear back till after Thanksgiving. I had to buy 5 packs! I guess I can give it away if she does not ok it.
Thanks for any thoughts!
I absolutely stay away from
I absolutely stay away from sugar, in any amount. Yeast and bacteria are tricky organisms, you never know how they'll react. I think they adjust to live even on miniscule amounts of sugar. Let me know what Dr B says.
Smoked Salmon REALLY upset my
Smoked Salmon REALLY upset my bladder the one time I tried to eat. It is kind of a big no no on the regular IC diet list.
thanks blondy
We have a smoker so we will probably just smoke our own :)
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
THanks Samara
Somewhere on here someone posted about smoked trout dip. And somewhere there was a discussion of cold smoked vs. cooked. I think I will smoke my own fish in salt brine without sugar. Then it will a) have no sugar, and b) be cooked so no bad organisms found in raw fish.
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.