Pills ok to swallow?

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Is siberian ginseng ok to swallow?

and which pills andor brands are ok to swallow -for most of us since i know some people have slightly dif sensitivities


thank you

cprince's picture

I usually empty all my herbs out, just to be safe, but as long as the herbs are in gelatin capsules they are okay to swallow, correct me if I am wrong in my thinking! Emperial Elixir Siberian Eluthero is the brand Dr. B has had me take and they are in gelatin caps. Hope this helps!

rocket's picture

For Imperial siberian, the ingredients list says:
Gelatin (capsules), rice powder, magnesium stearate, and silica

deir's picture

I was told it is ok to swallow those

rocket's picture

thank you all for your time.
i wish someone would puttogether a list of which pills are ok for most to swallow or at least which ingredients in pill capsules are ok for people.  i know we all are different but at least a guide so we dont have ta bother matia as much

Christina1's picture

I would ask Dr B just to be safe because I was told to open my Siberien and even gelatin on my skin could flare me, so you really want to be sure before you swallow a bunch. It is better to ask permission than to beg for forgiveness from the pain afterward when it comes to this treatment!,

deir's picture

Oh Geez!!! Thanks for that info!

cprince's picture

Yes, Dr. B has also been very clear that gelatin should never touch the skin! I always ask just to be safe! Thanks!