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This knee thing is like a chinese puzzle. Is it this or is it that? I got the orthotics and I put them in. I did a bit more standing yesterday. It hurt but not as bad as it had and I was encouraged. Today I having been hurting a fair amount and so I have to wander down the hall of mirros with so many variables. Id this normal? They said it would take 2 weeks to 2 months to break these in but do I trust the prosthetist? Was it the exercise I did this am which was not good and I could feel that it hurt as I moved into it.Is it nothing all that mechanical but rather that I am just so inflamed due to inflammation generally that I am not reacting to these new variables as a non-IC knee patient would?

It is hard to sit with the puzzle. It is easy to feel that I will never steer my way out of the morass of never ending variables.I guess all I have to do for tonight is figure out whether and what to do until bedtime.

One thing for sure. It is better to have sore knees than a panic attack and I want to stay here.

deir's picture

Hi- I think with my back and neck pain it is a combo of mechanical and inflammatory process. When I try to dance, my stuff hurts more but I never "injured" it. Also- It seems worse depending on what shoes I wear. Ahh- the variables- I've pretty much let them go.

pterzwife's picture

Hi Deir:
Thanks for writing. I hurt my knees yesterday and they are so inflammatory!
I need to let go. Panic is invading my sleep and sleep is crtical to healing. I heard that stuff goes to the weakest parts. Certainly true in my case. I pray for peace and a feeling of safety and calm.
is it good if you are able to dance again a little bit?
With love