Struggling with sugar

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I'm not quite what i'm expecting after writing this post. I guess i just need to vent and need a push - again! I'm really struggling with no sugar in the diet - like reaaaally struggling. i crave sugary treats on and off since giving it up. i have such a sweet tooth it's crazy. If i had a choice of savoury meal or sweet - i'd go for sweet.

I have though, tried to be very disciplined over the last three weeks and not done too badly - i made a few agave biscuits to snack on when it got really really tough - i have one biscuit every few days. But i have been bad the last couple of days and today I really let myself down :(  The slippery slope started on Saturday, it was a hot day and i felt like having something cold and sweet - a white choc magnum ice cream! (felt like having it for about a week) I held back but instead i went for a plain frozen yogurt (a 'healthier' option in my eyes!!) and few spoons of salted caramel flavour yogurt - both obviously not sugar free. I thought to myself ok i've been it out my system. But then today again i craved white chocolate (probably because i didn't truly satisy the craving on saturday!) so i went out and bought a magnum and now i feel really really guilty :( :( i've read so many posts about how sugar is definitely a no-no - something that i should've done while i was craving. i do feel really bad about it and think i have let myself down and have set myself back. Treatment hasn't started yet with Boaz, i'm due for my first appointment in a month. i guess in a way i thought i could cheat a little now before seeing him!! But even then i feel bad. I tried to head start by getting used to diet list 1 but sugar is something that is proving very challenging.

Have I really set back treatment? Like everyone else, i want to get back to 'normal' health asap. i feel awful - guilty, not pain wise. :( :(

Mimij67's picture

Dont beat yourself up. But sugar is as addictive as cocaine. Seriously it is. You are going to have to use a lot of strategies when you start treatment and for sure keep it out of the house. I am not going to lie and say a cheat is ok. Because once you start treatment, it isnt ok. A few bites of something that is on your tongue for a few minutes will be gone, but the anxiety of cheating will linger, and it will completely unravel your treatment. Agave will too. There is no way around this. The good news is if you can stay off sugar for a few weeks, your body and mind will change and you will stop craving it. I seriously don't miss it and rarely think about it, nor care when it is front of me. It is not real food. Once you move up the list you will be able to have berries which will be a nice sweet right after a meal. You can do this. Many people have given up sugar. Write down some positive affirmations about your health. You only have to get through one day at a time without sugar. The yeast in your body that has overgrown is contributing to your cravings. Pretty soon the yeast dies back. Sugar is feeding your chronic illness. It leads to heart disease, diabeties and cancer. It is seriously bad news. Have you seen the you tube video "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" ? Watch that!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Claire's picture

Sugar is a tough addiction that is hard to kick.  I had a major sweet tooth prior to following the IC diet, but once I was able to notice how adversely sugar affected me, it was waay easier to stop and then I completely lost interest in it after a few weeks.  For me, it was always a day after eating it that I would notice the impact.  But even if you're not seeing a strong symptom correllation, try to remain strong for a few weeks and it'll leave your system and the cravings will die down.  I promise!  I was such an addict and now I zero interest whatsoever. 
Try not to beat yourself up about it.  It's hard to beat an addiction, but you can do it and it'll be so worth it! 

Sss7's picture

Thanks Mimi and Claire. Appreciate your advice :) I will write down positive things and look at those when i get cravings! It's rather tough when people at work keep bringing in sweet treats and they're all munching on them around me grr! Sometimes i feel like Dory from Finding Nemo lol I'll eat something sugary and then regret it but then i'll forget that and want sugar again!!
You are absolutely right - sugar is an addiction and like all addictions it will take time to move away from it and best to take a day at a time.
Just booked flights and am very excited...something to look forward to :) 
i recently picked up on a rash on my lower leg. Very's really itchy but to look at it's ok (gets red and a bit bumpy from me scratching). It feels itchy in the evenings but daytime is ok :S very strange! Could this be related to everything that's going on in my body?!

deir's picture

Definitely could be related- die off. Best of luck to you!!

Sss7's picture

thanks :) might be a silly question and i have read it somewhere else on the forum - what does 'die off' mean?

deir's picture

Sorry- the quick answer is as your body starts "cleansing" bad stuff comes out, yeast, virus, bacteria, toxins and it can manifest as rashes, col/flu symptoms, vertigo and a million other things. Even changing your diet for teh better can start a beneficial process of cleansing so that couldbe happening with you already. The Dr will work with your body to try to help you with the process. I haven't had a lot of die off- some people have worse die off than bladder symptoms- but it is all for the best!

jgdewey's picture

Dear sss7,
 Sugar is poison. Pure and simple poison. I wonder if you would eat rat poison or bleach? Sugar is really no different to your body. If you need motivation to leave it all behind forever I suggest you go see the movie playing in theaters now or buy it called Fed-Up. It brings to the fore this countries crazy crazy addiction to sugar. It's everywhere, simply everywhere. In bread, in snacks, in sodas, in juices, in cereal, in dressings, in any processed food and it destroys your arteries, intestines, immune system etc. You would weep to see the damage it is doing to the children of America as it is pushed my corporations in the same way they used to push cigarettes. As for your deliemma I had it too. Oh so much. Before I came here I used aspertame and splenda like it was ok too and destroyed my bladder in the process with diet coke and aspertame sugar free treats like ice cream and popscicles.   But now after being off it I don't crave it at all. Even the agave syrup is sickening to me. What isn't sickening too me is fruit. I seem to be satisfied with a mango or an apple as to sweetness. It just is enough, and the fructose in fruit doesn't go straight to you liver like sugar does it's processed much more slowly and has so many marvelous minerals and vitamins that our bodies need. So, when I went off sugar and substitutes I thought in my mind , this stuff is poison, really it has destroyed my bladder and intestines so what's the deal here why an I still using it or honoring it? It doesn't take long really. Let yourself go off of it for at least 3 weeks, instead maybe if it's on your list an apple a day will help etc. Whatever it takes. Just let it go and eat lots of veggies instead as best you can. It can't be allowed cause then the craving comes roaring back like you never left it. But once you do leave it and the craving goes the repusion comes in. If I see honey or agave syrup I want to barf. I really hate it. Yes I'd love  ice cream but somehow I've been able to mix blueberries and greek yogurt and it's enough. So I don't crave the sickening sweet ice cream either. I have a friend who is 92 and healthy, clear minded, fun loving and going like crazy. In her whole life she has never liked or eaten sugar. I see a connection there and she is bone thin too. Just saying, sugar is the enemy it really is. So I fight it with my mind, my will power and all the strength I can muster, you evil stuff i won't let you get into me any more, you appear sweet and delicious but the truth is your posion to my body, health and happiness. So there take that sugar. It works for me. So hope it works for you too. God bless, Julie

Sss7's picture

Thanks Julie, appreciate the outlook you've given me. It's early days so I guess that's why, not craving sugar seems like a lifetime away but it know I'll get there! I have to beat this condition and I will recover from it. When I can start eating fruit then I'm sure I won't crave sugary things because even now I sometimes crave fruit. I do though have watermelon on the odd occasion otherwise I haven't touched any other fruit for about 18 months. Even  when I can resume to a 'normal' healthy diet (opposed to only rice pasta, broccoli and meat) it will make a big difference too I think. It's great to hear about your friend, wish I'd be like that at 92 :)

Mimij67's picture

Sanya I have been on list 3 with list 4 veggies for more than a year. It is about as close to a good normal diet as someone can get. I can eat garlic, many herbs and spices, spicey foods and full fat yogurt and fresh herbs and olive oil. Delicious coffee with full-fat cream. 1/2 cup of fresh berries. Green apples for salads, avocado. Pasta in moderation. Tomatoes, sweet potatos, grass-fed butter. Blueberry/cornmeal/spelt scones with butter. Pastured eggs, grass fed beef. Small amount of bacon here and there for flavoring. The only thing from list 4 I really would love to add would be sourdough bread and that would only be a few times per week. People think they need to eat that every day!
Do you make spelt/squash fritters? There are a lot of good recipes for list 1 and 2. PM someone to add you to the facebook groups for more support and for the recipes group. I ate very well on list 1 and 2 also!!!! 

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Sss7's picture

How do I get someone to add me on fb? What's the group name? Maybe I have limited myself more than i need to as a safety precaution until I see Boaz who can give me a better guide.
did you start from list 1? How long were you on that? (If you don't mind me asking). When I mentioned a normal diet I meant it in the sense that our normal meals at home consist of rotis, curries, biryani etc. that's what I've been brought up on. So to go from that to a really limited bland meal makes me feel very alienated at the dinner table everyday.  It's such a horrible feeling and I shouldn't feel sorry for myself but there are times when I'll burst out crying at the table! It is a real challenge for me given the foods I've been having since childhood and that's not necessarily unhealthy. I know people think oooh curry - not healthy but we ate quite healthy (apart from the desserts!) because it's all freshly prepared and cooked. I was looking at list 2 and if I can eat majority of things from there then I'll be able to eat a meal very close to everyone else in my family (without some spices). Of course though getting to list 5 is ideal.

Mimij67's picture

Like anything else this diet is a learning curve. But you can eat very well on it. List 1 is a bit tough, but most people are not on list 1 for a long time. I used to get really depressed at meals but then leared to really appreciate simple food. I was lucky as I was only on list 1 for about 3 weeks, list 2 for maybe a month and then on to list 3 but have been holding on list 3 with list 4 veggies and extra virgin olive oil for well over a year. It is fine tho. Honestly, as I am sure others will tell you, this becomes so much easier, you start to focus on healing, and the diet really becomes a secondary issue. You will be able to eat home cooked curries (no coconut tho) when you are on list 5 I imagine, maybe even list 4 if you can cook without sugar or coconut. I just had some yeast-free stufffed afgan flatbread and yogurt sauce with mint and garlic on list 4. So you will get back to it. You need to email one of use with your Facebook name so we can FB "friend" you and add you to both groups. And you can always post here. We need to keep posting here to keep a nice living record of this treatment approach!! On Facebook it is private and gets lost to a larger audience. You will learn to love simple, fresh food.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Sss7's picture

Thanks, that does sound promising :) i looked at list 3 properly and eveni can get to that in a few months - would be great! Can definitely make fresh curries sticking to those ingredients. Something to look forward to :)

deir's picture

Speak for yourself- some people can eat spelt sourdough every day.

Thea's picture

To comment on your sweet tooth, I can completely relate with the need to have sugar.  Before starting treatment I ate something sweet everyday including candy.  After 1 year and 4 months in treatment, occassionally I still crave something sweet, but this urge only happens once every other month or so.  What has helped me stay on course with my diet is making sure I have a carb at every meal.  For example, I will have 1/3 cup borwn rice, with 1/3 cup ground beef and  2 cups of broccoli with butter.  If you don't feed yourself adequately the cravings will be difficult to control.  I replaced my sweet craving with a craving for potato chips, which are ok in moderation as long as they are made with approved oils.  Eventually that craving has died down too and now I don't need as many carbs throughout the day as I did in the past.  As long as you keep your plate to a ratio of 1/4 carb to 1/4 protein to 1/2 veggie you will be able to help get thru the cravings while staying on track with the diet and a road to better health.  I make spelt/brown rice waffles with shredded zucchini topped with butter (level 1 diet).  Now I am able to melt mozzarella cheese on them.  I will also only eat 1/2 waffle at a meal.   When I get a sweet tooth, I make the same waffles with blueberries, which you will need to wait on the fruit.  I will put two over easy eggs on top for breakfast.  I know may seem overwhelming.  As I have learned it takes some patience and creativity to find out what helps get you thru the cravings. Most importantly as stated by others...don't beat yourself up for a set back.  Just get right back on course the next meal.

Sss7's picture

i try to balance my plate but i do get bored of eating brocolli all the time. Maybe i should introduce another veg from list 1. Maybe i've been too cautious! The other thing i'm unsure of is can i have wheat and gluten? i know it says spelt but spelt flour naturally has gluten - so a bit confused around that one!?

Mimij67's picture

don't overthink the diet. Most of us can tolerate a little gluten, but Spelt gluten is not as hard to digest as wheat gluten. If you have a serious thyroid issue than you might want to avoid gluten, or if you know you are not tolerating spelt than take it out for now and focus on rice and potatos. The Dr. will give you advice on this when you are treatment. Modern hybridized wheat is very hard to digest and has created big problems for a lot of people. But once the gut is healed, many people can eat some gluten again. Dr. Brizman has managed to keep spelt in the rotation with a few exceptions for some people that should avoid it. Kamut is allowed, and possibly with permission, Einkhorn wheat (although I have not asked her about this, it is an ancient wheat, the original grain before modernization) - those are easier to digest.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Honeybee's picture

I USED to have a sweet tooth but it all changed from sweet to savory for me.
It's likely NOT YOU but the yeast that is driving the cravings to the levels you are experiencing. When you are on the herbs and the diet it is much easier  cause you are killing off the yeast and getting it all under control. The thought of a donut absolutely makes me sick. It's too sweet. You will be able to taste the sweetness in things that did not taste sweet to you before. Carrots are sweet. Zuchinni are sweet. and a strawberry after two years will be like CANDY. HEAVENLY. Best dessert EVER.
When you are in a battle of the craving and about to put it in your mouth take heed of advice that someone told me. "It's either you or IC." What is it gonna be? Understand that cheating drives the illness in deeper. DO NOT CHEAT! Even a bite here or there impeeds progress. IT adds up. Trust me on this.  BE strict. IT does become natural however and you won't have to deprive because it will be totally normal. You got to overcome that initial gravity and the above suggestions the ladies gave are excellent. YOU CAN DO THIS!

Sss7's picture

thanks Honey Bee!! I can't wait until i start having fruit again...i used to absolutely love strawberries and grapes!
I think the diet alone has helped a bit which is what keeps me going :) looking forward to the herbs/supplements too!
Yes I WILL beat IC!!! so far it taken a lot from me, my marriage, my strength, my courage, my personality and my outlook on life and I may not have my partner BUT I have my wonderful family to support me and it's my turn to take what i can back! It does upset me though to know that by the time I am better I would have lost what I felt was precious to me.

deir's picture

sssj- I am so sorry. ((((hug)))) This is very tough but you have a wonderful attitude. You can do it and you will. Hang in there