Food symptom help!

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Hey ladies!
I've been on a regimen around one and a half months now and have been on the diet for about 5...
Can anyone tell me food allergy or tolerance success stories ..or info? 
I'm feeling discouraged because I feel pretty good when I eat pretty much red meat/veggies ...but when I add anything else in I feel itchy /symptoms ,etc.! 
 I just tried to add eggs in the past three days and itchy again ...! Ugh ...maybe I'm early in but it feels like I should be further ahead than that I going to have to just eat burger meat and broccoli my whole life ? 
Will I ever be able to add other foods in ? 
Mimij67's picture

I have definitely read that this clears up for most. Did you ask Dr. B about it? Bonnie told me she could not eat eggs initiall, or dairy, but I think between 6 months and 1 year she tried them again with no problems.
Are you taking bifido yet? Not that bif is the magic cure-all (I don't think it is, the treatment is much more compex than that) but in my case, I did not start bifido until I was in treatment for 5 months, and now I have been on it for one month and I am still adjusting to it. I am on list 3 with a few list 4 veggies, and Dr. Brizman said she will only move me up the food lists once I am more comfortable on the Bif (I am still having digestive reactions to the bif and die off in my gut). This is just me personally, but the body has to do a certain level of gut healing before foods can be added.
I would ask Dr. B how she thinks things will resolve for you and what other milestones or indicators you might need to have before your body will be able to add in new foods. 
Also, the lists are not set in stone. You might find yourself 3 months into treatment and may still not respond well to eggs, but maybe you will be able to add in yogurt, for example. So I would ask on every phone consult what foods you might try. Also if you react to something one day, you might be able to reintroduce it a few days later without a problem. This seems to be the case with various foods and is different for everyone. I wish I could be more helpful. But you are very early in treatment, so I think you need to give the herbs more time.
As a side note, do you know if your imbalance is more one of "excess" or "defeciency" (or both?) The herbs help to reduce those extremes that are presenting in the body.  Your body is working on lots of healing levels right now, and more work on re-balancing and also on the gut needs to be done before certain foods can be added. So different for each one of us...

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

cprince's picture

Hi Pixie! I agree with what Mimi has said. I am no success story when it comes to adding in food at this point, I still mostly eat beef, steamed broccoli, sautéed cabbage, eggs in moderation. I have really paid attention to foods that bother me and ask Dr. B her thoughts during my appointments and she has been pretty specific with what foods she wants me to try to remove for awhile and which foods I should try to add in. Sometimes you just have to make the adjusments yourself, trial and error, so you can give a report how symptoms changed with and without certain foods. The more information we can provide during our appointments can only help Dr. B learn more about our imbalances and help guide her with our individual treatment plan. Not everyone tolerates everything on list 1, before moving to list 2, from what I understand. I am mostly list 1, but can have goat yogurt off of list 3, I have never really been let loose to try any list, even from my first appointment. Like everything in this treatment, it may just need to be tailored a bit for your specific needs. Of course, I am always discouraged when a new food doesn't go well, but I know eventually once my gut is stronger this won't be an issue! Dr. B always assures me, the food intolerances are not forever! You are still very early in treatment, so things could change quickly. Patience is the key, no matter how frustrating it seems to be! Hanging in there with you!

Pixie's picture

Thank you for your replies and information , ladies ! 
I haven replied earlier bc I'm dealing with a bad flare but just wanted to let you all know how much your support and info  means to me !