I have been very lucky that in 6 months of treatment I have rarely had sustained bladder pain. Just urge, frequency, and background urge and a few other intermittent symptoms. Wouldn't you know that now that the office is closed I am having a flare. Ugh.
I have a lot of respect for those going through or have experienced a big flare. This is not fun. Haven't had this in 6 months.
Dr. B changed my protocol this morning. Now on second dose of new protocol but things seem worse. I had added in Goldenseal for a while, which is the opposite of my normal protocol and that is when things started to go awry with my bladder. The goldenseal helped with the symptoms we were trying to address, but then made my bladder worse! Hoping the elimination of the goldenseal will help. She doubled my bifido. Wondering if things have to get worse and I have to adjust to the bif before things get better.
Lisa ann suggested warm water to drink. Not sure what else to do. I guess I can try the heating pad but that never really helped me. Maybe distraction is the key. Thanks for any thoughts...
I know that I said that I
I know that I said that I was going to stay off the forum but I just wanted to say, keep,calm and carry on! Xxo
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
Oh lady!
Oh lady!
I know how that can be...
goldenseal has always caused issues for me either after a couple of weeks of feeling okay on it or a couple of days, my bladder is eventually not happy with it, it does a lot of cleansing. Helps the die off, but almost feels like I'm peeing razors. That's actually exactly what I wrote Mattia once..."peeing razors" hah ( only funny after it's passed! )...
The good news is, this DOES stop...just give it a usually takes a day to three for my bladder to recuperate as well.
Ally, interesting what you say about visualizing the toxins leaving you,I've done an odd sort of breathing excercise when going through stress since I was younger that I just did to cope while picturing this same sort of thing..I was apparently a smart youngster! I'm going to have to reincorporate this into my visualizing.
Also , hot showers work for me too, not heating pads....during flares I shower a bunch with hot water just to relax myself, OMing helps, and last but not least, visualizing that although this hurts, this pain is good, it means something positive is happening the BIGGEST thing that helps get me through...the hard part is thinking you have done something wrong and are set back. I don't think you are at all...pain is just our body telling us to move in a different way :) Also, this is the first flare you've had in 6 months!!! Seriously?!?! That's amazing lady!!!
You are chugging along so fast, I am impressed :)
Hope you feel better soon <3
Mimi, how are you doing today
Mimi, how are you doing today?
Thanks for checking Annika.
Thanks for checking Annika. It is really bad today. I wish I had gone for UTI test today but Dr. B does not think it is that. She adjusted my protocol and I am still waiting for a change. It is not any better, but it has only been 24 hours since I took out the bifido, so i guess it will take maybe another day or two. I have never had anything like this in the 8 months I have had IC. I don't want to scare anyone. I guess maybe it is die off? I will get a UTI test tomorrow just in case. I can barely think straight. Thanks for checking in.
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
Thanks to everyone for your
Thanks to everyone for your well-wishes.
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
I just remembered this. My cousin who got well with Dr. B was feeling fairly good, but still having some issues, when all of a sudden she got the worst flare she ever had. After it was over, the urgency and frequency were gone!
Maybe you won't be completely better after this, but my point is this may be a really good thing that your body just has to go through to get to the next level. It's good that you are checking to see if it is a UTI though. If it isn't then you won't have to experience the stress of wondering and worrying about it. That peace of mind is important.
Lisa Ann, I hope you are
Lisa Ann, I hope you are right. This is so hard. Thank you.
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
Hi Mimi,
Hi Mimi,
Thinking of you - sending a big hug
Thanks Denise!
Thanks Denise!
Dr. B and I are trying different things. She is suspecting that maybe my increase in Benzole peroxide (i have used it without issue in treatment) may have had a cummulative effect on my bladder, but we don't know for sure unless I take it out. I break out terribly without it so this is pretty disheartening. No relief yet. Will keep you posted. I do feel like a science experiment when in all of this pain. It is fine to change the protocol when you are not in pain, but so scary to change it when you are!
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
The worst thing is feeling
The worst thing is feeling normal and then having a big flare like this. You will get back to feeling good though. You will. Try not to worry.