Stomach flu

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The stomach flu is going around my family and it hit me a few hours ago.. Oh joy. Throwing up every 30-60 minutes. I emailed dr b but in the mean time I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions??

Mimij67's picture

So sorry!!
Dr. B told me 1 goldenseal cap and 5 drops oil of oregano. Up to 4 times per day. She said if you can't drink much, to sip this concoction. Be sure you are only getting little sips in you at a time, or you will just throw up again. I don't know if you have much experience with the stomach flu, but I did not when it hit our family. I was told to give my daughter vitamin water which had no salt in it, and by day three she was delerious and in the ER. NOT happy with my pediatritian over this. Just be very carefull about hydration. Diluted pydialite or VERY diluted hydration fluids. Otherwise will worsten diahhrea.  Call the nurse for hydration tips. Dr. B says water for us, but I bet you could have a little very diluted chicken broth (from the list of gentle products) if you need the electrolytes...
I think because I was already on a small amount of Goldenseal I did not get the stomach virus. Everyone else in my family did...
Dr. B also told me to wait two days until you are symptom-free before re-introducing your protocol, so the probiotics dont mess with any remaining virus in your body. But you of course will want to check with her when you can!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Mimij67's picture

BTW the dose for children is MUCH less than what I outlined above. My oldest wouldn't try any of Dr. B's ideas anyway, so I gave up and went back to the super-diluted Gatorade for her. Literally give them a tablespoon of liquid every 5-10 minutes. If they throw up you have to wait an hour to try again. Overnight I tried not to give them any liquids because my doc said after age 5 they have decent reserves and the first 2 nights my younger one was throwing up every hour because when DH was watching her he kept giving her water!!!! We did not try this when my older daughter got sick and she weathered the second night better. Good luck!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

selichan's picture

sorry to hear!!! I had my share last week as well. It wasn't nice. I only had one goldenseal open in water few times a day. Dr. B told me i can have ginger tea to help suppress but that it might bother my bladder. I bought fresh ginger and cut 2 thin slices in hot water to drink. That helped as well, but i'd check that with her before trying. I also went to get pill curing just in case it is consistent, but didn't need to use it. Feel better. 

Mimij67's picture

Seli, pill curing is a  good idea for my daughter. My daughter is having tummy pains after eating since she had the flu. I get so worried that she is already at risk for IBS because of me, and then I have to go and read that the stomach flu puts people at risk for IBS!!! Yikes! I am planning on bringing her to see Dr. B this summer.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

MinnieMouse's picture

Thanks for your replies you guys. Lastnight was awful.. It progressed into violently throwing up every 15-20 minutes. It's much better this morning as far as the throwing up goes but my entire body is just wiped out and sore and I'm still nauseated. I got an email reply back from dr b this morning and she said to try goldenseal every 3 hours and ginger tea if that's not helping. It's very hard for me to do goldenseal since it tastes similar to the bile I've been throwing up. Any suggestions? She's pretty vague on how to take it so idk. 

Mimij67's picture

Maybe sip it to see if it will stay down. Chase with sip of ginger tea or dilute chicken broth?? When you are eating again you could mix it into a bite of food?
Remember to start with teaspoons of things to see if it will stay down. Otherwise wait an hour....

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

MinnieMouse's picture

Thank you Mimi, you are an angel :)

MinnieMouse's picture

Just wanted to update you guys that my stomach virus is all gone! It was a 24 hour nasty bug. Now I'm just trying to recover my energy and hydration. Not so easy with this diet.. I want something light but don't know what to eat. Maybe I'll ask my Facebook foodie friends. Thanks for your help and concern :)

deir's picture

So glad you are feeling better! I had 3 stomach viruses in my first year of treatment. The good news Is I avoided almost every virus this year so the immune system does improve!