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Can anyone recommend a good sunscreen that doesn't cause flaring or shampoo conditioner that's over the counter? Heading on vacation soon...want to get started...


manythanks to all,

Carey flare seems to be over temporarily. The thing I hate the most is never knowing when it's going to hit....enjoying the milder down time for now

deir's picture

neem shamppo and conditioner. Maybe california baby sunscreen? Not sure. Pick the least chemical so usually the whitest

cathy's picture

I mainly use the bomasemse shampoo, or I sometimes use Nature's gate shampoo and conditionioner the one with jojoba in it which I buy at the health food store. I don't have problems with either of these.

Willow's picture

I use Bomasense (Dr. Brizman's) sunscreen.  I've tried other natural brands and I find them greasy and gooey on the skin. Dr. Brizman's feels nice and provides really good coverage.

Claire's picture

I can never seem to find her sunscreen in the bomamed store.  Is she still selling it?  I've been parsing out my bottle in little doses as a result. 
There was that other great thread recently about making your own sunscreen with zinc oxyide and jojoba oil, too.  Thinking I'm going to give that a try when I'm feeling industrious. 

deir's picture

Hi- I asked her abou t htis. Check under body lotion.

Pico's picture

You need to call Lynn directly and have her add the sunscreen to your order the next time you place an order.  She can explain why. 

Claire's picture

Thanks ladies, good to know.  Are we in a secret sunscreen society?  That's so cool! 

blondy's picture

Bomasence sunscreen is quiet good, too. :)