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What do the brizmans recommend for exercise? Went roller skating yesterday for two hours, had so much fun but flared up!?


would like to keep moving this week but I always feel like I pay for exercise...


many thanks, Carey


p.s. seeing dr. Boaz next Saturday, yeah!

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Hey Carey, 
One of the reasons why you may flare from exercise is because physical activity affects the lymph, which has a lot to do with how good or bad we feel from day to day.  Maybe someone else can explain it in more detail :)
I would encourage you to start with light walking and see how your bladder reacts.  If it's good, keep doing it, and keep experimenting with different forms of exercise.  The Brizman's rule of thumb is, if it causes your bladder to flare, don't do it!  You will be able to go rollerskating eventually, just not right now.

Mrs. A's picture
Mrs. A

Hi Carey! So excited for you to see Boaz! He is wonderful, and I know you will be in good hands. I have not done well with excercise, it stirs things up in my body. I try to even do my housework at a nice pace and not stir things up. I am sure this will change as I heal. I can't wait to hear how your appointment goes!

Divaswearred's picture

Thanks for the input, I do African dance and have had to stop because of the burn...hopefully with time!
many thanks, Carey

Mimij67's picture

Carey I wrote a long post about exercise on another exercise thread. There were a lot of good comments on that thread and a few exercise threads, so I encourage you to do a search on ICAMA. Chronic cardio is not good while healing from a chronic condition. Almost any chronic condition. Of course there are probably exceptions. When you are feeling up to it, walk in nature, or just walk down the street. As you are further along, some bi-weekly strength training or maybe gentle yoga or dance would feel good. I do barre classes at home but it is limited because I still have some joint pain.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

deir's picture

Mimi- I really think this is a case by case basis, I checked out the link you had about cardiio and it makes perfect sense but they seemed to be talking about people who felt awful after exercise. I get what he was talkign about with peole who feel like it is "no pain no gain" or that they have to push through exhaustion etc. I think if it mkaes you feel good, it is proabably good. I struggle with this because I am a dancer/choreographer and it is like a huge part of me is missing. I am thinking about just trying to do more and see how I do because missing this intregral part of my life is adding to the loss and stress. For me, when I feel ok, aerobic dancing feels great because of the release. Yoga has always made me worse, ironically!

Mimij67's picture

Yes agree to a point. But I think early in treatment when your core (gut) is not strong and you have a leaky gut like we all do to varying degrees, cardio is known to put stress on this and make the leaky gut worse. Of course if you feel better after then it might be ok. But I worry about the cumulative effects of cardio. Also, you might feel good from the endorphins the day of,  and then crash a day or two later. So I really think you need to start slowly and probably keep a journal to note the effects.
You are most likely at a point in treatment where it might really help you mentally and physically. I worry more about being in the first months of treatment and on List 1 and not stable. 

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.