Starting Over and Then Some-Can Anyone Help?

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For new people- please don't be alarmed. Mine is not a typical case. I began treatment with Dr. B in 2/2012 and by 12/2012 I was 90 percent better. Unfortunately, my life unravelled in a most unexpected way at the same time- a chronic knee or spine injury turned into a life changing, limited mobility situation which ramped up my anxiety a zillion fold. By March 2013, I had stopped sleeping COMPLETELY. and that is when I got into trouble. There was nothing I liked better than having a medicine cabinet free of drugs but all of a sudden, I got mixed in witht he psychiatrists since it was virtually impossible to work and sleep zero. Here I am, older, wiser and a lot poorer, having failed two separate times to taper off klonipin. I am looking for help and support if anyone has any wisdom to offer. My failure is always for the same reason: I stop sleeping. Now I am looking at shutting down my business because it is failing and because I cannot see how I can get off psych meds if I have to get up every day and go to work and be functional. It is a big mess. My bladder has gotten much worse during this process, also, but at least I know that I healed once.  Dr. B has been wonderful during all of this and has tried to help witht eh insomnia but there has just been too much going on. Now, I have adjusted some to my relative mobility limitations and maybe the work thing is a blessing in disguise but I am sure that I am looking at a long, uncharted and scary road ahead. Does anybody have any ideas? I really MUST regain my health. I know that Dr B's protocol works.


Thank you in advance



C's picture

That all sounds so awful, I'm sorry you've been through so much stress. I don't have mch time to reply right now but can share some things that have helped me. (and yes it is so great you got to 90% better before, you know you can do this again!) I have been listening to some apps on the ipad, (if you have one or iphone) called mindifi, they're hypnosis apps, and they're free. There's a sleep one which I've found helpful, and a few other positive thinking ones, they sound a bit cheesy but they've helped me I try to do one a day I think they would be really helpful when you're trying to fall asleep, along with meditating as often as I can. Hope this helps in some way, sorry if it doesnt. Claudine
some books that helped me (but everyone is differnet and I know some people don't get along with these but I did): learned optimism, self coaching- the powerful program to beat anxiety and depression, real happiness, ask and it is given.

deir's picture

Hi! I love the book- learned Optimism and the healing mantras in Ask and it is Given are great too.

deir's picture

Hi BOnnie- just wishing you strength and perserverance. I would love to take off some time from my main work but I think they'd miss me too much and they are pretty cute (my kids) No but seriously, I think removing your self from a stressful work situation can be a wonderful thing. I don't knwo anythign about the drugs you are strugglign with but I am wishing you good things. hang in there.