Fruit & Awareness

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Hi guys,

Just wanted to put a quick post up about fruit and awareness. I've been flaring pretty badly for 2 months now - bladder and VV. The VV was odd because I haven't had that in a while and it was super severe much more than bladder. So yesterday I had my appointment and going through things we realized I'm eating too much fruit. Almost a year into treatment and it never dawned on my really but now it's like duh - yeah I guess I was. I removed dairy 2 months ago and I think I inadvertently replaced it with fruit. So just a caution - always try and be aware - sounds easy but not really. Now I'm back to just meats and veggies for a while. It's day one and I'm climbing the walls for a fruit fix lol!!!

megan's picture

Can I ask what you mean by a lot of fruit?  Like is 2 small servings a day too much?

livandlex's picture

I was having 3 servings of fruit per day....I'd have a piece after every meal so I'd have one small apple, one small grapefruit, and a handful of raspberries. Dr. Matia said she's healthy and may only have one piece per day. She said we are balancing between very thin margins and something like the fruit could push us right over. i thought it was important to post because I was eating balanced meals but I guess it doesn't matter fruit is fruit - sugar period. I somehow was not clear on our allowed fruit intake.

Tinkerbell7's picture

When I asked Matia about fruit portioning, she told me that I shouldn't be eating more than the quantity of two apples per day.  I try to just stick with one serving size per day (typically after dinner for dessert), if any at all.  I'm so glad you figured this out!!  Narrowing stuff down can be so hard sometimes, especially when we're not cheating or doing anything that's considered "bad." 

livandlex's picture

Thanks girls! I can't believe how obvious it all seems now- lol!