Numbing Agents and Dental Procedure

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Hello Ladies,

     I am scheduled to have my one and only root canal removed through a tooth extraction next Thursday by an endodontist. I also had my first appt with a hoslistic dentist- that was awesome- I will always go to one now! Anyway, if you have had a tooth removed or major dental work, what type of anesthesia did you use and do you feel it had an affect on your IC? 

      Thank you 


amybarbara's picture

Katie I just had a cavity filled with Novocain ... It did not bother my bladder at all. Not sure if it is the same for a root canal! Ouch:)))

Mimij67's picture

Novacain did not bother my bladder. But you and I have heart stuff. Don't be surprised if it makes your heart race a bit at first after the injection. This is VERY common and will pass. Discuss with the doc if you are concerned.  Excited for you Katie!!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

fahlmank's picture

Hey Mimi, Thanks for your reply. I am going to ask for epinephrine- free anesthesia so I hope that will help. If you don't mind me asking, what is the nature of your heart condition? 

SpiralRice's picture

I had a cavity filled recently and the novocaine didn't bother me at all. Process was pain-free in every regard :) on the other hand, I'm meant to have a wisdom tooth removed in June and am about 50/50 at this point as to whether or not I will actually go through with it. I don't plan on taking antibiotics for it, but I'm sure I will cave and need to take whatever pain med they send me off with. I have no idea how the anesthesia will effect me either. Would be interesting to hear others' imputs

deir's picture

Hey Katie! Why did you decide to get the root canal removed? I have one and I am curious.

fahlmank's picture

Hey Deir, I decided to have it removed for a number of reasons 1) After reading an article from Dr Mercola, I realized the fistula I had developed when the tooth infection began had not completely healed. It decreased in size, but not healed and that is a sign of continuing infection. 2) because I have had a few teeth removed ( wisdom, bicuspits ) I could not ascertain which meridian it could be affecting but it is either thyroid or heart both of which could be responsible for some of my heart issues 3) The timeline of when my heart issues and tooth ache started were 8 weeks apart after having no history of either issues before- perhaps a connection. 4) what finally convinced me was reading two books "the Root Canal Cover-Up" and "Let the Tooth be Known". 5) even if my heart is not connected to the issue, root canals harbor a continuing infection - even if they are deemed "successful" and I simply do not want that variable in my treatment. That is a long explanation, but I hope it is helpful! I would recommend both of the books and then make your decision.

deir's picture

Yeah- I have read a lot about his and kind decided to be in concious denial about it! LOL
Was Dr D concerned about the removal causing you issues with IC?

fahlmank's picture

No, in fact- that it will probably help because it has been continually infected and therefore a source of chronic inflammation. I totally understand being in a place of denial- I do not think I would have dealt with it if it were not for its possible link to heart issues. They are my major complaint now. 
Do you have a holistic dentist near you?

deir's picture

Ther is one who is apparently ridiculously expensive. I would have to see how I could do it

fahlmank's picture

   The one I have switched to requires payment up front and then submits to insurance and I receive the check. It is a cost burden for sure- I feel that most of what is healthy is expensive- from food to medicine to dentistry. For me- it is just worth it, but at least there is one near by- many cities do not even have one- Crazy! Hole your bladder is feeling stable today!

Mimij67's picture

Katie, I dont really know the root of of heart stuff, but Dr. B says it is part of my IC. I have had it since I was 20. This was at a time when I was vegetarian, probably had minor IBS-c. Had ABX as a child-really just one time as a baby but it was IV abx for a week at least. Then used topical ABX for acne as a teen. The heart stuff started in my early 20s. Had painful periods around that time that resolved eventually with the help of TCM. Sorry long story but leanred my heart stuff is related to IC. It is referred to as Running Piglet which there is a lot of debate about what this is, but Classical Chinese Medicine seems to have a better take on this. I hope the root canal removal helps speed your healing. I have one implant on bladder meridian and my IC started right after my implant. I think I have one other root canal too. Not sure what to do about implant. Not even sure if it is zerconium. Need to get to a holistic dentist. Sigh. I think I need to be further into treatment before I attempt anything but should start to line things up. I have one small mercury filling left too.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

fahlmank's picture

Hey Mimi,Thanks for sharing your information with me. I have heard of running piglet and it sounds very treatable with Dr M as time goes on. My tooth removal is scheduled for Thursday and I have high hopes it will impact my heart in a positive way- Dr M- when understanding which tooth it is said "Absolutely, it is affecting your heart". Although a miracle cure would be beyond my wildest dreams- I would be elated with subsiding heart palpitations. The tachycardia I can live with.... Sort of! I never thought I would be nostalgic for the good ole days when I "only" had bladder pain-- all about perspective;) Knowing what I know now about the teeth and the corresponding meridians, it makes sense an implant in the bladder meridian could have placed you over the preverbial edge. I will update a few days after the procedure! 
Thanks for the support! 

deir's picture

Goo dluck katie- Hope it really helps. If nothing else, it is good for you in general
"running piglet" what a cute name for an awful condition. Gotta love that Chinese Medicine

fahlmank's picture

Thanks, Deir! That was my thought exactly- even if the removal does not help the heart, it if just a good idea to get rid of the overall infection- I certainly hope you are having a low-pain day;)