Do I have to see Dr. Brizman in person to start being one of her patients?

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I am pretty sure this question is asked a lot, but I have seen all types of different answers. Did you HAVE to go to California to see her in person? And if you did not have to see her, did you have to send pictures? I am very confused with all of this and feel a little overwhelmed. If you could maybe tell me the beginning process and what to expect that would be so nice. :)

Honeybee's picture

Welcome Leelee,
The state of California where Matia practices manadates that all her patients MUST be seen in person for their first visit. AFter that visit you may be "seen" simply through your detailed phone appointments. If you keep track of your treatment - through notes and etc- and communicate this well to Matia then you can still be getting good care as though you were in town. She does needle some patients who are in town (LA) but apparently it's not really essential anyway. I'm saying not everyone gets needles anyway nor does it necessarily need to be a part of treatment. She is a master herbalist ( brilliant brilliant brilliant) and uses herbs/probiotics and nutrition to bring people back to health.  While flying out to see her- that can add to the cost of treatment-I think seeing her in person- this is a good thing- I imagine being seen in person helps Matia better understand the whole picture of your imbalence as physical appearance can be great diagnostic tool in Traditional Chinese Medicine. I found my appt with Matia to be a GREAT experience. I'm a long distance patient BTW. You might have gotten confused about whether or not you have to seen in person by reading a early success story. There was a time before 2006? 2007? before the laws changed when you did not have to see her in person the first time to be her patient. but yes now you do- BUT I consider it absolutely worth it-but I WAS FULLY ready to commit so to me it was all an investment in my health. I don't regret anything. I get ALOT out of my treatment with Matia. I wasted thousands of dollars on other doctors and they made me sicker. :( This has been my experience. It's overwhelming but it doesn't have to be ;) we are all here to help you answer any questions and give you support no matter what you decide to do. If you have any questions about the process- email me or call the Bomamed Office and ask to speak to Raquel or Lynn and ask them where folks stay- if you do a search on ICAMA on First time patientsor Flying out to LA I think you will find some information. Wellness and peace be with you- Mary