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Hello ladies, I am one of those blessed with IC, for unknown reason. It has been nine months since a urogyn pushed me toward cystoscophy and immediately after bladder instills. I was confused and didn’t do my homework.  I could only handle two instills. That is when the real pain came.  It slowly subsided and I was pretty well for about four months. Then I experienced a lot of stress, and pain returned along with unbearable burning. I am still going through final diagnosis with another urogyn, but there is no question in my mind... In fact, I had to convince my family doctor that I do have IC. I was fighting this dreadful diagnosis for as long as I could, but now, it is pretty clear.

Not being confident in conventional treatments, I have been searching for answers myself. I am following anti-inflammation diet, which seems to be somewhat stricter than Martia’s. There is no restriction for nuts, raspberries, red peppers, etc. May be it is a problem. I do feel happier and better overall on anti-inflammatory regiment.  At times, I experience bursts of energy, which is until pain, tingling, nausea, and burning knock me off.

I take low doze pain relieve when I cannot stand burning. It doesn’t really help. I have not figured out what triggers my symptoms or how to control them. How do you do that???

I started yoga and acupuncture. Acupuncture helps, but I am not consistent with it.

I have not booked my appointment yet, still thinking about it.

Shelby's picture

Hi,  I tried treating myself for 2 years.  I wish I had made my appointment with Matia a lot sooner.  Just think of all the time I wasted.  I have managed to get my pain down some on my own....but I know without Matia and her knowledge of IC I will not get completely well. 

blondy's picture


Ladies, how can I learn about Matia's philosophy about treatment? Is ordering her dissertation the best route to go or it is done during the initial counsel on the phone? I am on the East Coast, long way to travel. 
Thank you.

Carole UK's picture
Carole UK

I think the best description is in the 'treatment protocol' part of this site.

blondy's picture

Well, I am about to being treatment, if I will have guts to do that. My appointment, airfare, and hotel are paid for. The problem is: I don't feel that bad on diet and CytoProtek(may be?). My life is manageble and I am actually working now. I am afraid of going down that dark hole I just climbed out from. I almost lost my job due to taking too many sick days. Now, I am doing just fine, not perfect, but moving around and taking care of my kids. I don't know if my vulvadynia will bother me again this month.  My ovulation is days away. Usually, itching, stretching, pulling, and stubbing starts around this time. No symptoms so far.
Honestly, I am freaking out, too. I don't know if I can go ahead and willingly feel pain again. 

Christine222's picture

Blondy, not everyone gets worse in the beginning. I haven't gotten any worse and some days are much better. And I do think most people do not have worse bladder pain even if they do have crazy die-off symptoms. Don't worry, I don't think it will be as bad as you fear.

blondy's picture

Thank you, Partner
for your quick reply. :)