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What does it mean that I keep going down in the amount of bifido? At one point I was up to 3 a day and now I am at none again and still not feeling good. The other day she had me do 2 tbs of a 1/4 bif solution then upped it to 4 tbs and I had a horrendous flare. I am so frustrated and depressed. I didn't think I'd be the one who does so poorly.

deir's picture

Thanks. Yeah I was kind of having one of those days.:( I have PMS and I am so so bummed about my cancelled trip with my husband.Thanks for caring!
I emailed Dr B and mentioned about my concern about the bif and she wrote back to remember that the BIf is a living thing and to think about it as we are adding to it  each time but I am getting the benefit even though I am not taking it because it keeps living inside me. She's so kind to reassure me in my craziness.

Clueless's picture

I am up and down on those probiotics all the time.  Sometimes one helps for awhile and then I have to quit it.  It is rather crazy.

MelBell's picture

Hi Deir, in her dissertation she states that once the desired amount of probiotic is reached, it will start having negative side effects and should be stopped. I think what happens is you get enough good bacteria built up, and you have to back off them for a while. Since we might still be unbalanced, the level of probiotic in the gut might start to go down again ... and that is why she starts you on it again. Once your balanced the good bacteria levels should stay more even ... this is just my thoughts. 

SarahC's picture

Hey Deir,
I suddenly started reacting to the bif when I upped the dose last week, and we've ended up taking it all out, for now. I've felt much better today as a result! It's just a balancing act, I think - up a bit, down a bit. You need something for a while, and then something else for a while after! Hope you're feeling good today? xxx

lynette's picture

Dier I've been thinking of you so much lately and have been reading your posts, I really feel that you and I seem to be so similar in the way we are in treatment.  I go backwards and forwards and I have been off and on bifo twice and have only ever got up to two per day.
I have been really bad the last two weeks, worse pain for months and blood in my urine again, after 8 days of feeling not too bad, not pain free but occasions where I was distracted enough not to be aware of my bladder, coping better with work, home etc. We cannot figure what it is, there are possibles but nothing for certain and asa result have been taken off the bifo again and am on a tonne of other herbs etc (12 capsules and 2 mega 4 times a day!)
I  am feeling low and anxious again but am trying to be kind to myself and accept that it is part and parcel of this condition.  I feel like a car stuck in mud, we keep pushing to get me out and I make small movements forward and then go back, there is a constant rocking to and fro but as with most cars eventually there is forward movement and the car gets out of the mud and can go on it's way again.  It is just sometimes I wonder if we are ever going to get that car moving forward!
Keep are an inspiration Dier and I think it is wonderful that you keep posting on this site and encourage so many...thank you.