Tryng to figure out what could this be...

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Week 8 into the protocol, I thought I had a yeast infection (1st time) but its not.  Symptoms since Wednesday are burning (no frequency), itching (deep internal vagina itching),  Dr. B reccomended I use plain white yogurt to relieve the burning/tingling 3 x a day.  At first, fretted about this since I dont have a yeast infection but not sure how long is OK to apply.  This isnt as intense as frequency with burning but uncomfortable none the less.  Anyone else experience this?  So much to do today, I hate not being able to function and not be able to get errands done...  So I am swtching brown basmati rice instead of white basmati rice to (hopefully) alleviate more yeast. 

Any advice on how to deal with this internal tingling/burning and off and on itchiing would be totally appreciated.

deir's picture

ONe of my symptoms has always been itching on and off. IN my case it is on the labia mostly. I think it is some kind of nerve reaction because it coincides with my other nerve issues- hyperstimulation- the worst of all my issues.Way back I thought I might have had a yeast infection too (had never had one) Oh when I think of all the energy wasted on searching for this to be anything but IC! LOL
anyway- I hope yours eases up soon.

Tommygurl's picture

I did try the yogurt and it was only temporary relief.  A hot shower helped Friday but the pain is just stagnant.   Tinkerbell or Deir – did either of you ask Dr. B what causes this?  Or, what does it mean to have this kind of discomfort/irritability?  I’m really trying hard to maintain positive but this is a ‘new’ symptom.  My period started today (on time, thankfully), so it feels like the pain is still there comes and goes…
If you did ask her what this means, would love to hear before I go asking her to explain.  I wont speak with her for another month due to the holidays…
Tinkerbell – sorry I haven’t replied to your other questions… please send  me your email address and I can answer you (prefer not to on the blog).