Hi there, I feel I need to express the inmense gratitude i have towards Dr Brizman and all the amazing people I've met through the site. I honestly couldn't have make it till the end of the year without the help from Icama's wonderful people. I've been 4 months in treatment and the improvement so far IS HUGE, I'll concrete afterwards. I feel gratitude for: -Having the oportunity to share my experiences in this forum. I don't know about any other Dr who is so open and interested in patients to meet and talk. Think about it. -All the lovely Icama patients who has helped me at some point with private emails. -All the lovely UK patients who I've had the privilege to meet personally or chat regularly through email. I don't feel alone anymore, they've been so helpful and nice with me, honestly, such a wonderful, generous people. -To Dr Brizman, because she is the most caring health practitioner I've ever met. She has never let me down. Never. She is really commited to help and she works so hard that sometimes I worry for her. I admire her strengh. She truly is an amazing source of inspiration, she is a survivor and a wonderful human being. -Becuase I finally know the root of my poor health. I've been struggling for years with different ailments without having a clue why I felt so bad and where exactly was the problem. I visited so many Drs and I felt so hopeless.... Now I feel I'm in charge again, I know what I am doing and where I am heading. -i've rediscovered my spirituality. This is the most challenging issue I've ever encountered in my life. IC has been a major turning point and I had to redifine everything. I am learning how to be happy again. I am grateful despite all the misery and pain I had. I know I'm changing the skin for a new me, which is more healthy, peaceful and free. -Having the chance to overcome IC and be healthy again. I know I'm lucky because I have the strengh to commit to this treatment. IC is bad, but can be fixed. This is happening and I am healing When I started on September I had horrible vaginal issues and really bad bladder pain. I really had to push through the first 3 horrible months and adapt to the probiotics gradually, but now I can finally say I'm turning the corner, very slowly. Bladder pain is only bad when I sit for long or have lower back pain, otherwise is between 0-1.5 most of the time (I was 9 in February, 6 September). Vaginal-urethral issues are SO MUCH better, I finally have moisture and the crawling is almost gone, the remaining symptoms are some prickling and inflammation. I have to be very strict with the diet because I am still very fragile, I know I can get vaginal irritation because of the food, I also do wonder about the pudendal nerve, but that's something I've been told not to worry about, and if it's a problem, it will go away once the inflammation goes down. I am really looking forward for spring 2012, I know I will be doing so much better that I can't wait. No matter how long, how slow it will take me to regain complete health again, I just know I will make it and I will learn throug the process. Hapiness is not a destination, is a way of life. This illness is very hard, but I plan to succeed, so it will happen. I wish to you all Merry Xmass and a happy New Year. 2012 will be a good year. Love for you all, hanging there, including me.
Thanks. I needed that.
Thanks. I needed that.
Thanks for sharing, I love reading these positive posts. I can relate to you soooo much.
I am very grateful to have
I am very grateful to have Matia. She has dedicated her life to a disease modern medicine has ignored. She could be a typical chinese medicine doctor and just treat EVERYTHING because obviously it's easier and might bring in more money. Instead, she picked the HARDEST damn ... and I mean damn ... disease to treat. I will be forever grateful for her help and kindness.