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Dear all,


Do probiotics actually repopulate the gut with the beneficial bacteria or do they do something else? Once the beneficial bacteria have been killed (for example, with antibiotics), are they able to be reinstated via probiotics? Any info. on this would be much appreciated. 

Christine222's picture

I'm pretty sure they repopulate the gut.

blondy's picture

Probiotics restore intestianl flora.
Here is some material how disbacteriosys happens in the first place. the whole site has plenty of useful material.

junie's picture

thank you blondy!  i read the website and it was soo informative.  now, this is starting to make me think more as to what's happening to my sophia's stomach.  she's a picky eater and we were always worried about her very hard stool.  we asked her ped. and she said she needs more fiber in her diet...and ofcourse, here i am trying to find a way for her to have more fiber in her diet.  from what i understood, fiber causes or hides the underlying problem which is lack/absence of good bacteria in the gut. mmm....does this confirm my sophia has littleor no good bacteria?  I did give her probiotics when she was on antibiotics. I should give her probiotics daily.....oh my.