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Hello all!

Taking a total shot in the dark, because I know some patients read and not post, but I am wondering if by chance anyone who has an appointment with Dr. Matia on March 11th at 12:30 is able to switch me times? I am having surgery in the morning and yes the only day I can have surgery is Wednesday. I'm nervous how I'm going to tolerate the surgery and wanting to try to have my appointment in the afternoon after I discharge from the hospital. Currently I'm scheduled to see Dr. M at 9:30 the same day. Thanks, scared to death regarding the whole situation!!!'s picture

Dont have one sorry. I'm going to write this down in my date book to pray for you. I hope all goes well for you. 

cprince's picture

Thank you, Patty! I appreciate your prayers!!! Praying for you as well! So glad to hear you are making such great progress!

DLFox123's picture


Sorry - don't have one.  Have you asked their offices if they'd be willing to do this for you?  I know that over the years a couple of times I've been asked to change apt. times.


I am sending my prayers - you will do wonderfully.


livandlex's picture

CP!!! My appointment is on the 12th - I don't think that will help but let me know!

Are you out in CA now?? If so, I'm soooooooo happy for you!!!

IF I may be so bold to ask...What is the surgery for?  No worries if it's too private - I get it girl :)

Sending hugs and love!


cprince's picture

Thank you both Denise and Claire! Yes, I am out in sunny CA! :) Trying to pick up the pieces of my life. Decided time to just get the blasted GB out, no one can guarantee it will help. Dr. M is still trying to make a shift but it is so resistant. After so much pain and medical leave coming to an end I guess, it is worth a shot. Still feeling very torn with my decision, but I suppose I won't know if it will drastically help unless I have it out. Worse case scenario I still have pain is the way Dr. M is trying to help me be ok with whatever decision I go with. It is just so permanent and scary to know how surgery will go! The appointment needs to be Wednesday because Dr. M is in the office, but I think we will work it out if I need it that day. For anyone that has had surgery do they automatically just give it to you during surgery! I react strongly to pain meds, profuse vomiting.


livandlex's picture

You are brave and strong!!! I'm so glad you made the move!!!! Onward and upwards my friend!!!!

Bye bye gallbladder!!! It's worth a shot and if Dr. Matia is backing you - it's the right decision. Baby steps you're getting there!

Each move forward is a stepping stone in your healing!

In the past I've had lots of pelvic surgeries - fibroid, polyp, cysts, endometriosis removal...and I only needed pain meds like the first day. I know it's not the same but after all you've been through the pain probably won't be that bad!!!

Keep us posted!!!



cprince's picture

Thank you Claire! I need to stop reading about GB removal, everything says GI issues can get worse after GB removal. I wish I knew this will be the answer and not just putting myself through more pain and torture and end up with more difficulty with digestion and still have pain! So anxious and making this decision so difficult. The sun at least brightens my days, I can't complain about the weather anymore! 

deir's picture

Christina- I agree with Claire. Have faith that you are making a good faith decision and you have the wonderful support of Matia for after. I have only heard of people getting better after GB surgery. I know it isn't ideal of course but none of these decisions are. ((((hug)))'s picture

CPrince. I had my GB removed the old fashioned way (huge scar) years ago. I did have GI problems after but this was before I studied about probiotics and such. Once I got on them I never had the GI issues again. I am sure with Matia's help you can resolve this. I was in so much pain with my GB. I had some lodged in my bile duct and I became jaundice. I have never regretted getting mine out. I am praying for you!!! I know it's scary even under normal circumstances to have surgery. IC throws another kink into it. Just know we are here!!  I will continue to pray for you!! Keep us informed please. 

cprince's picture

Thank you Deir and Patty! Trying some different herbs to help calm the GB, but in turn makes me sleep all the time, but it's so weird how the worry just creeps into my dreams and wake up panicking over it! Obviously I have great support, and know I won't know if I don't have it done, it's just so permanent! Worse case scenario I'm still going to be in pain and I haven't been able to tolerate probiotics, but perhaps most the issue has been from the GB malfunctioning this whole time preventing me from getting to the next level in treatment? Thanks for all the encouragement I will have to stop taking everything on Monday, which is also a scary thought. Matia says it is going to be a problem, but understands making sure there are no complications of bleeding and mixing with anesthesia. Going to the positive place, this is the only way I'm going to get my answer!