Appointment scheduled!

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Yay! I am finally booked and scheduled to go to California in two weeks to see Dr. boaz! So incredibly excited to begin his journey! I feel like I am about to embark on the beginning of my new life in so many ways. Thank you all for your guidance and for your encouragement. I feel welcomed to the team! 


Many thanks, Carey


ps I will say I have started list one and am finding the cravings incredibly powerful...wanting to get going on this list so that I can give feedback during my first appointment...the diflucan messed me up entirely and am feeling like the recovery from that is intense. I decided to go off of it once my ticket was booked. I can't wait to be in control of sugar and carbs once and for ready for real results and dedication! The yeast feels like it is going out with a huge fight! No Mas! I am ready to Claim my body as mine! Thank you bladder for guiding me towards true grace and healing...

livandlex's picture

WAY TO GO Carey!!!

Mimij67's picture

Keep us posted. Get the sugar out of the house! Keep natural sweeteners for the kids and only use for them in moderation. You have to change your whole pantry!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.