biodentical hormones

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Hi lovely sisters,


Does anybody have used biodentical hormones to address estrogen and progesterone deficiencies? Does it works or affects to the bladder? What Matia thinks about it?.... sorry to many questions!


I've noticed every time my estrogens level drops I have an awful burning feeling and pain down there plus more frequency. I know we work with herbs but I was wondering if she agrees with that kind of treatment.





Shelby's picture

Hi Sonia,
When I first got sick 2 1/2 years ago I read all Catherine Simone's books. In her books she addresses hormones. When I talked to her on the phone she suggested I take bioidentical progesterone. She gave me the name of the person that she dealt with. So I did for about 6 months. It didn't help at all. In fact when I think about it now I burned much worse back then through my cycles than I do now.
My thinking is this. Dr. Brizman's way might be the slow way to getting the body back into balance, but it's the sure way. I was looking for quick fixes before and I think that's what got me into this mess.
Six years ago I started taking Premarin because I was perimenapausal and going through really bad hot flashes, headaches and vaginal dryness. I'm pretty sure this and my unhealthy diet are what led me to IC.
Sorry I'm not being more positve about the hormones.

soniafa's picture

  yes I have the book too. It really made me wonder about the hormone connection, which by now I'm completely sure there is one.
The thing is I haven't had my period since I stopped the birth control pill and that was on January 2011. On February I got an UTI and after that I've been in constant pain and with vaginal issues. If you are very low on estrogen you can have what is called atrophic vaginitis and urine problems. If you have atrophic vaginitis you can get UTIs, the urethra gets very thin and the vaginal tissue is very inflamed and irritated which leads to frequency, incontinence, pain etc...all symptoms of IC.. I'm 31, so is not possible to be menopausal yet or pre-menopausal... please!...but I guess I must have some AV because I have a massive hormonal imbalance. My hormones has been checked and they are almost 0. The birth control pill has blocked my glands and ovaries and they don't produce the right quantities.
My gyno prescribed me progesterone pessaries and that caused horrible pain in my bladder on high doses. He wanted to bring my period back but I couldn't stand it. I've tried the bio-identical oestriol formula on an oil blend from a natural brand and I'm not sure if it helps yet. I just tried for a week last month but I thought to quit and not mess around with my hormones and wait.... yes... I would also want for a quick fix when I have the burning-raw feeling in the opening of the urethra/vagina. That makes me so anxious! I would say that is even worst than the bladder pain sometimes... like I'm in the office and I want to scream... although is weird because in the same day the rawness and the pain comes and goes... is all hormonal fluctuation.
low estrogen levels: atrophic vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, frequency, burning, rawness vagina and pain
good estrogen levels: no frequency, no pain, no feeling! ....
I know I need to look at the long term solution... pills and synthetic hormones brought me here so... I'd be wise to work on a global-permanent fix rather than taking more pills/creams even if they call it bio-identical hormones. I'll wait to Matia's advice.

DLFox123's picture

OK - a year of irregular paps and vaginal atrophy.  The paps were so bad in the beginning that they didn't even run the HPV test - just said I had it and would probably get cervical cancer.  Well, lo and behold, six months into treatment, paps started getting better - they ran the HPV test - it was negative, and now, last week, 18 months later, pap is all normal.  ALSO - vaginal atrophy has improved, little or not spotting and strange odors and discharge gone.  This is with nearly no estrogen in my system - due to taking medication to drop my estrogen levels  (estrogen positive breast cancer - fully in remission)  Personally, I wouldn't look to estrogen to cure your woes - there are other ways.
Take Care,

soniafa's picture

Denise that´s amazing! I´m so glad you are ok....Thanks so much for sharing your story. are right... I have to go through this in order to get better... Patience and strength.

selichan's picture

So happy to hear your paps are coming normal Denise. It's always nerve wracking to wait for those results. I've been thru them before as well, with the 3 last results coming back normal. I can't tell what a relief it is to hear the word "normal" I think going thru Matia's protocoal helps build up the immune system in many miraculous ways.

soniafa's picture

Denise, did you have vaginal pain or hyper sensitivity when you had vaginal atrophy?
I don't have discharge, my problem is totally the contrary, I have dryness, irritation and dull pain.
How long it took to start feeling better? What kind of herbs did Matia used?
Thanks Denise! :)

DLFox123's picture

Hello - the discharge,for me, didn't start until I started the herbs - then a bunch of crap drained out.  So, initially, like yourself, dryness, irritation and dull pain.  OK, on a REALLY personal level, clitoris quite swollen.  In reality, the whole area was quite swollen.  Due to this happening over time, I didn't realize there was actually swelling.  This has gone way down.  Oh, and sex was becoming uncomfortable. Things, for me, in that area, probably dramatically improved after six months.  It has continued to get better.  Most of the time now, that area is moist.  Other things, such as the ringing in my ear, sinus problems, anxiety, and a never ending list that did not, initially, lead me to seek Matia out, have dramatically improved.  I'm a little over a year into treatment.
As for the herbs that she uses, some of them were things that I ordered through her offices - not even sure what was in them.  As for the rest, I'm not really comfortable going into that - as each patient is so individualized...hope you understand.
Take Care

blondy's picture

Sonia, have you started diet yet? I started feeling better after a month-two on anti-inflammatory diet(before I found Matia). Then, I added some startch because it is allowed by Matia's list 1 diet. I think anti-inflammatory(no starches) works the best. The worst feelings of dryness, pulling, stretching, and insane itching were resolved then. I also reduced stress levels. Both diet and less stress helped.

soniafa's picture

Denise, yes the area is quite swollen too... sometimes it looks red and irritated and sometimes just normal but the dull pain is still there.. Sorry to ask you about the herbs but I have some issues with high salicylates herbal remedies like meadowsweet, black cohosh... etc... and I was wondering if the herbs for vulvodynia were low in salicylates... but I totally understand is better not to post about specific treatments of course. Is just me being desperate to get some sort of mental relief till I’m seeing Matia... I’m flying to L.A. on the 17th of September..!!.. I can’t wait..  6 months till you saw inprovement looks like a positive short term to me, considering how I've been and where I come from.... although is hard to deal with 24h hyper sensitivity and pain down there... psychologically is very hard... I’m 31 and single at the moment... but that in a way make things easier because I don’t have to deal with guiltiness for not being able to engage with sex yet...  still hard tough because I’ve been living in a monastic period for a loong time and I can’t stop putting people away... I’m afraid to make things worst... I don’t think is the right time for me to try anything yet.... not at all!...sigh
Hi Blondy! Do you mean no rice at all? I’m eating the allowed veggies, meat, brown rice from time to time and tones of rice cakes... That might be the problem... Do you think oxalates might be problematic too....? Celery is very high...
Thanks a lot, :)

soniafa's picture

Denise! I have tinnitus too..! I'd be amazing to get ride of that.... great news

Christine222's picture

I had ringing in the ears and mine went away too. Not sure what mine was from, either antibiotics or die off, not sure, but it is gone!

soniafa's picture

Tinnitus might happen because your body is dealing with chronic inflammation. I have food intolerances and when I eat problematic food the tinnitus gets worst.... Your immune system reacts with inflammation when thinks is being attacked. I still remember 3 years ago suddenly noticing the ringing in the ears and is when I started getting progressively ill with food sensitivities... that happened of course after taking antibiotics and accutane for acne... is all related.