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A number of people have talked about going through cleansing periods in their treatment - like where they have more die off, feel worse, etc. i've been going through a bad patch the last month in terms of my vulvodynia being really irritated, but in the last week or so, i've also started to have an increase in discharge. is the increase in discharge a tell-tale sign of cleansing? the thing is, while i am definitely having some other die off symptoms (some throat burnign after eating, some chest sensations, some sniffles, etc.), they are not super intense or consistent. so, i'm confused. i had thought that when you go through cleansing, you are hit hard with all kinds of major die off. but, could just the v irritation and discharge be a sign of cleansing without other major die off symptoms? have been in constant touch with matia changing up herbs, but our exchanges mostly focus on symptoms/regimen, not explanations of symptoms. so thought maybe you guys could speak to the whole discharge issue? i know, not the most appealing topic of conversation. but, any insight would help. thanks.

natasha149's picture

Lisa, I specifically asked Matia the same question, because I just recently went through a very similar thing: discarge is GOOD! It means that your body is actually kicking something out. She says: "moving down and out". My other die off symptoms were kind of mild too, but discgarge - very pronounced. Most of the time it looked like a clear ovulation discharge, but way too much and way beyond ovulation days, and some other times it would be a bit "yeasty" looking (cottage cheese type), whitish or yellowish. I also had -non stop vaginal crawling and itching, but that was not a die off, but the infection itself. Sorry to be so grafic :).

aboros5's picture

always so good to hear. i feel pretty miserable right now, so it's definitely helpful psychologically to think this pain is just a stepping stone to better health. do you remember how long this period of irritation/discharge went on for you? and also, did you feel better afterwards?oh, and don't apologize for being graphic. the description is actually helpful.wouldn't it be nice to someday never need to talk about this stuff anymore? sigh... 

natasha149's picture

I've had it for about 3 weeks or so. Once we found the right formula, it really intensified, I couldn't believe how much was coming out, and the irritation was just unbearable! And YES, the moment discharge has stopped I started getting my hope back, the symptoms became less intense all around. My other indication was that my urine stopped smelling really bad. It is funny, but my husband (who after all these years is an ABSOLUTE believer in Matia's treatment) kept reminding me: as long as something is coming out, you are getting better! If anyone told me years ago that him and I would be having this conversation I would think they were crazy :)).

Honeybee's picture

I too have noticed an increase in discharge and understood it to be a good sign. I don't really have any other extreme symptoms right now - no headaches or anything else other than some intense burning that is fluctuating off an on. You can have die off that isn't totally major with dramatic accompanying symptoms. I try to keep track of what kind of discharge it is- I take it back- I do recall lately some werid throat/back of mouth .nasal itching- I thought maybe it was pollen and it only lasted a few days but now I wonder if its a die off symptom. It probably is somehow. I would think that anything mucousy coming out of the body is a sign of heavy cleansing. To answer your question- yes you can have that. Its exactly wha  am feeling right now. Irritation and increased discharge. Just lovely. I just read somewhere that yeasts don't get killed off your panties in the laundry. should we be concerned bout that? thank you ladies.Mary 

natasha149's picture

Mary, as for the panties, I use Natracare pantyliners now, they are great, cotton, breathable, you can even wear 2 at a time for heavy discgarge or as an extra caution against yeast not being washed off. Also, I am pretty sure if you wash in hot water, chances for it to suvive are very slim.

toreyg's picture

a couple weeks ago i had a week and a half of tons of discharge coming out and i felt absolutly horrible like fluish, im sure it was alot of die coming out! i get colds that come and go like sore throat and aches and pains. it feels like they come out of nowhere!

camille's picture

I've also had a lot of discharge lately.  Not a lot all at once, but almost every time I go to the bathroom I have some kind of little gift of discharge  Most of the time its clear, but includes something else, like some thick gold stuff, or now I'm having some blood in the discharge.  As with many of my die-off signs, it's not severe, but it's there and I'm learning to take all of these little things as a sign that my body is responding to treatment.