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Has anyone tried low-acid coffee or decaffeinated coffee and found them less diuretic than regular coffee?  I have a tiny amount of black coffee per day but it still makes me rush to the loo about 20 mins later. It is my one treat so I don't want to give it up as I love the taste.

aeyring's picture

Hi Jane,
I'm glad you posted this question because I was wondering the same thing. In
fact today I bought a toddy coffee maker. Its a cold press and cuts acidity by
70%. I'm not sure if it will make a difference but I will let you know. Do you
get pain after drinking coffee? I tried it last week and I thought it gave me a
little pain.

nicole's picture

simatra is one of the lower acid coffee choices. Coffee is warming bitter tasting stimulant with diuretic purgative properties. It is caffeine acid and olis produce different effects. Caffeine stumulates the entire nervous system stress the adrenal gands increases the pulse and blood presure raises the blood sugar level supresses the appetite and gives a sence of high energy. It acids corrode the small intestine's villi and therefore decrease nutrient absorbtion heavy coffee drinkers often suffer from vitamin B shortages and have calcium other mineral decicencies. THe oils in coffee can increase blood and cholesterol. Stressed adrenals translates in oreiental med as depleted kidney energy, reduced sexual vitality and in the case of pregnacy increase rate of birth defects. As with any stimulate coffee agervates the liver fuction it's acids break down stored fats in the liver and therefore disturbs sleep contrubutes tward irriaability and anxiety.De acidified coffee is less detrummental to the gastrointestinal tract.but has a reduced flavor.
I have always personally been suprised that Matia alows coffee being that she feels the conection between the small intestine and IC is so strong. I would not drink Coffee I used to drink green tea even at stage one with Matia the only reason I stopped was because I did feel it contributed to my anxiety. I actually felt that the green tea helped my digestion and my bladder pain and if it were not for the ill effects of the anxiety I would still drink it. I know it is not as lovely tasting as coffee can taste like desert but now I have almond milk warmed up and it is the next best thing to me. Hang in and be patient is my advice to those of you wanting to have coffee. I just think green tea is a better choice.