cooking meat

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I'm having a meat issue.  I realized I hardly eat enough of it (I'm a former vegetarian)--I'm trying to eat more red meat.  Unfortunately it means I've been eating a ton of hamburgers! (Well actually its pretty delish!)  How do you guys cook your meat thats not frying!  Thanks--I've already checked the recipe section and theres not too much in the way of red meat.

Honeybee's picture

I was vegetarian back in the day too - but also I just never learned how to prepare meat  so I was totally lost in the beginning meat and in this die. Just like hamburgers which simply provide their own cooking fat - I used to just cook- like cuts of  fatty steak ( trying to gain weight here) on the stove in pan like burgers. But I have this super annoying electric stove and I just couldn't quite cook them right- they ended up too overcooked or tough so I started broiling my cuts of red meat and its awesome!I use the broiler pan that came with my oven- lay the steaks across them maybe throw some sea salt and pepper on them and turn it on setting broil low. Check it after 5-7 minutes? and turn it over and let it broil some more and voila- I have perfectly non fried cooked meat that ends up being tender and good feels more healthy to consume than the almost burnt pieces I was was making before on the stove! I'd be interested to know if anyone makes stir fries with beef and how they do those! Good Luck!Mary

Clueless's picture

Broiling is a good idea.  Most of the time my husband cooks our steaks and burgers on the grill, even when it is cold outside.  We don't cook out there when it is windy though.  I buy organic beef as I think it is better for good health.  You also could try saute'ing a steak in a little water on top of the stove, or maybe putting it in the crockpot with potatoes and vegetables.

IC-Hope's picture

Also, meats like buffalo are sweeter and tastier and so cook well on the stove w/ just a little oil or even without.
You can also get a clay pot for cooking in the oven ( -- can cook lamb and much more in there very healthfully, just throw in some broth, and some veggies/rice for one-pot meal.
And then there's the slow cooker.
Just fyi, Re: grilling meats, while to me the bbq produces the best tasting meat, I now grill only as a rare treat since researching the carcinogens that are apparently produced when grilling.  (This can also go for cooking meat via any medium at too-high temps.)  Not to rain on anyone's grill parade, but here's some info if you're interested:

Clueless's picture

I have read that too Lisa.  It sure tastes good coming off the grill though.  Thanks for the reminder.

nicole's picture

I love my joy of cooking cook book. Even if you can't do all the spices it still tells you tecnique and learn a ton from this book It is the cooking bible and every kitchen should have one.

jlopatka's picture

My favorite is getting filet minon from Trader Joes and cooking it 3 minutes on each side in about an inch of butter.  It is so good and I guarantee it will stomp out any chocolate craving!

researchnerd's picture

Good tips ladies.  I will try out this broiling business!