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Does anyone know what Matia usually uses for diarrhea? It's not for me, but my hubby has been dealing with it for several days now and I'm trying to avoid him taking something OTC, like Immodium. He took some probiotics and his case seems slightly better but still getting it after he eats anything. He did the B-R-A-T thing for a few days but just curious if someone has some alternative remedies or thoughts. Thanks!

Aya's picture

Hi Sam,
I am not sure if you can get it there, but a safest thing we use here for diarrhea is "carbo medicinalis" - it really helps. Also, in the past while I was "healthy" BRAT never helped me (actually I think bananas and toasts can irritate some people), but what helped was well cooked rice mixed with shredded carrot (I would make sure that it is organic) with a little bit of sea salt (now I would use himalayan, I did not know it then). Carrot is, as well as rice, supposed to absorb toxins and somewhat calm down the gut, as I found out later.

blondy's picture

Charcoal at any pharmacy

Aya's picture

charcoal = carbo medicinalis. Did not google & translate properly, thanks.:)

blondy's picture

Charcoal in tablets I mean, not raw charcoal :).

Aya's picture

hehe! :) I think it is "activated charcoal". Raw charcoal sounds very alternative, though! 

flygirlsam's picture

Ha, charcoal, really?!  OK, I will try thank you so much!

Mrs. A's picture
Mrs. A

My husband recently had this problem, and what I have always used is blackberries. If you can't get them fresh, we have even used frozen and that usually does the trick. I hope he gets better soon! I hope your tick bite is not giving you any problems, too.

flygirlsam's picture

Thank you for your kindness. Blackberries, huh? So interesting, I mean I know they are full of fiber, but I would almost think they would complicate more. I wonder if other berries work or just black? My husband is feeling much better by the way and we never got around to the blackberries. I usually ordered them with my weekly produce order but now that I am back on list 2, I haven't been getting any berries. I desperately miss my berries. Especially now that it's summertime! Soon they will be local. I hope I can have them back! 
Tick bite amounted to nothing, just still very itchy. Incidentally, am reading a wonderful book called Out of the Woods, by Katina Makris. It's about her battle with "undiagnosed" Lyme for 5 years and her subsequent alternative healing and treatment after that. It's a tough read in some ways because the parallels with IC and the experience I went through finding a diagnosis brings up a lot of bad memories. The symptoms she deals with and the feelings of, at times, absolute hopelessness and rage at this illness quite mimick those of IC (minus the bladder part). I cannot put it down.  Interesting that as I was reading the initial part of her story and her fight to find a diagnosis (while thinking she was dying and feeling slightly crazy) made my bladder burn!! The mind body connetpction is amazing and definitely my symptoms got worse while reading this part of the book. So, I caution you to perhaps read it only when you are stable. All in all, though, very inspiring and gives me some hope. I feel like if she can get well after her daunting experience, so will I.

Mrs. A's picture
Mrs. A

doesn't it? But blackberries are amazing at stopping diahrea. Years ago my oldest son was going on a trip to Mexico, but he was sick and then ended up with diahrea pretty bad. We tried everything, even the charcoal as mentioned. He went to the doctor who was going to run all these tests on him, and it looked like he wasn't going to Mexico after all. Well, someone told us about blackberries, and I was skeptical. But we tried them, and they worked like a charm! Now we use this first if needed, and then we follow up with the Brat diet for the next 24 hours once the diahrea is under control. As far as I know, it only works with blackberries though. I even keep them in the freezer for this purpose, just in case...
I can so relate with you about the mind and body connection. Before my daughter was diagnosed by Matia, she would describe to me her symptoms regularly as she was struggling so much. One day I started feeling my own bladder hurting just listening to her! We are definitely kindred spirits. :)