Question about the diet... my husband has been asking me to explain the reasoning behind the diet if someone doesn't have yeast. He gets it in terms of starving yeast if that is the crux of the issues someone is having, but doesn't understand what the point is if that is not the issue. I get frustrated trying to explain and convince him of the value of the diet part of the treatment because truth be told, i don't really understand it. Based on a number of factors, I'm pretty sure yeast is not my main issue and i just am struggling to find a way to convince him of the value of this huge lifestyle change if that is the case. i am seeing Matia next week (for the first time) and I'm sure she will explain all this, but in the meantime, thought I would throw the question out there on this board. Would love to hear from any folks getting a great deal of relief in their symptoms on this protocol without having yeast be their main issue.
If you can help me get my husband on board with all this, I would be SOOOO grateful. It's hard enough keeping my own doubts at bay, let alone working to quiet his.
Thanks in advance for any and all feedback.
Have a good weekend.
hi aboros5
hi...I'm assuming you have been diagnosed with IC. I think I would share with your husband the knowledge that IC has been the major focus of Matia's study and experience for 12 + years and she has seen and studied hundreds of patients. There is a time in all of this that full understanding and practical explanations come along only during the healing process. That is to say, IC is a complex problem and cannot be explained quickly and in a linear fashion.If Yeast is not a problem for you, I am sure it will be determined during your first visit.I am in only my first 3 months of treatment and have had several "aha" moments regarding my own body, am developing a better understanding of this dis-ease, and have experienced uplifting positive results. I've found the diet to be less challenging once I surrendered to it. The effects of the treatment can be uncomfortable as well, but it is proving to be all worth it.For you, particularly, I would recommend you follow this path, turn over your doubts, trust Matia and follow her advice to the will all come clearer as you get into the treatment. Wishing you the very best....
thanks lolo
hi lolo... thanks for your thoughtful response. i'm happy to hear that you are seeing positive results in only three months. that's great news and very inspiring to me. i actually have not been diagnosed with IC. for me it is vulvodynia and nerve pain (sacrum/thighs - related to nerve hypersensitivity). i think that is part of what my husband questions because he knows matia's focus is IC. that being said... i've tried to tell him that there are a number of people who have been helped who actually have vulvodynia. he absolutely wants to be supportive... i think it's just difficult because he has watched me try a bunch of different alternative routes (e.g. acupuntcure, herbs, teas, supplements - all things that i pretty much came up with through my own research to try and quiet my nervous system) to no real result. so, he worries that i will get my hopes up for yet another false start. i will say that this website, these stories, matia's review of my evaluation and belief that she can help me, all give me hope that this will be the missing piece to complete my healing process (PT has been the other part). but, because i don't fit the exact model of the majority of matia's patients, i have to admit, the doubts creep in. but, i know everyone probably feels that way before they start treatment. hopefully once i actually meet and talk to matia, i will get a better sense of how this all works and what the reasons are behind each part required for my specific journey. i just feel so scared... and i want my husband to tell me this is going to work, this is the missing piece you have been looking for.. i want him to believe, so he can be the shoulder i need when i have doubts. but, at this point, before even seeing the doctor, i guess that is probably a bit unreasonable to expect. in the meantime, all of your positive stories help. so thanks for sharing.
Diet and no yeast?
YES! What Tammy says! and how lovely to hear your story Tammy! What I want to add is that I have come to realize: although Matia specializes in IC, she also has expertise and gifts in understanding the whole body and the individual balance needed. So, I look forward to the day when my IC symptoms are gone and Matia helps me with maintaining whole body health...I would consult her on any health problem if possible. I am amazed at the discomforts I've had that are obviously yeast related...wouldn't rule this out...I hope you'll be in touch after your appointmentLois
Know you are on the right
Know you are on the right path. You are one of the lucky ones that has found her way to Dr. Brizman. It is my understanding that IC is the end result of a systematic breakdown of the body. So many women with IC also have vulvodynia, IBS, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, etc. So although you don't have any bladder symptoms now, they may occur if you go untreated. Are you basing your belief that you don't have yeast problems on the fact that you aren't having bladder issues? My daughter and I traveled to LA from Texas last week for our appointment with Matia. I am so glad we made the trip. I have been having urgency and frequency for 5 months. At times it has been intolerable. I started on my treatment and after one small adjustment I am feeling symptom free! I know I still have several months of treatment ahead and I will most likely have ups and down with my symptoms but for now I am happy. I am confident that I've made the right choice. Matia knows how to help us we just have to trust her and let her work her magic. I hope this helps. Good luck and I'll be looking for your updates!
Emmarenee, that is AWESOME
Emmarenee, that is AWESOME news! so wonderful to hear you are feeling better so quickly!and, thanks for the vote of confidence that i too am on the right far as the yeast, there are a few reasons i don't necessarily think that is my main issue. i am not very reactive to foods/external factors, although i tend to be tired I am still able to work out hard nearly every day, i have not had any additional infections from the first two i got five years ago (although i know systemic yeast doesn't necessarily manifest as an infection) - and when i took two weeks of strong acidophilus at that time, i ended up swinging my system all the way the other way - creating too acidic an environment which allowed the overgrowth of leptothrix (long story)... so i imagine if my system was infested with yeast, i wouldn't be able to push it to the other side of the spectrum so quickly. and, finally, the fact that i got so much better just from PT. That being said, who knows? I'm still totally open to whatever Matia has to say. Realistically, what do I know? I mean, i clearly still have a major issue with my hypersensitive nerves - and with this last flare, i am now having nerve pain in my left leg (which I never had - it has always been the right leg) and in my sacrum/sacral nerves (which I also never had) - so clearly all the PT i am getting is not truly healing what ails me.i just so look forward to having someone knowledgeable give me direction. it's been so hard doing all the research on my own, constantly making guesses about what to try that could help.Your message is a wonderful comfort and i thank you for taking the time to write it. I will for sure give updates as i move along this path. hopefully i will have good, positive, inspirational stories to tell... as you do :)
I beleive that maybe the diet is necessary because it maybe in addition to starving yeast may be helpful in bringing down inflammation for vulvadynia/IC and nerves being burnt out? I had been on candida diets that very strict but not lasting as long and I thought we had clenaed out many layers- even at one point I didn't think I had yeast at all but I did- it came up later on the deeper we went. Also I think its like setting the restart button for your whole body- your organs and other systems benefit from its total simplicity. Not to mention that it does wonders for your skin and hair and will make your taste and sense of smell so powerfully sensitive.These are nice benefits I think. i can relate to what you are saying- my husband is open minded but also a skeptic too and was concerned when I first began talking about going to see Matia. He was trying to just get me to see all angles and determine if this was going to be a waste of time and money. I flew across the country to see Matia. My family is not that into or educated on alternative medicine but my trust and determination that this was my path confirmed thier ultimate support. I took a risk and I do not regret it for one second. When the proof of the treatment began to manefest in my feeling better - than the total support and hope was there-its a alot of planning alot of sacrifice for me and my husband but it is turning out to be an excellent descision. If he needs more reassurace than have him talk with Matia or read her dissertation or any other partners of people who have healed thoer condition. Patience and leap of faith are required as well as hard work on your part and his moral support through the coming process. I understand that he is just looking out for you- there is alot of empty promises in treatment for Ic and Vulvadynia but if you put forth 100% effort I think this one will pay off in big way. to all the people who support us - we thank you and our gratitude is boundless! - My vulvadynia is yeast related but I beleive it is improving under this treatment. best of good fortune and healing to you. thanks.Mary
You are right
Hi Mary,Thanks for your thoughts. I had my appointment with Matia last week and i do think the diet has to do with resetting my body, creating an optimal enviornment for me to heal and for the supplements to work. As she explained, it is not just "systemic yeast" but about an overall microbial imbalance. Unfortunately, an hour and a half just didn't seem like enough time for all my thoughts/questions, but in a couple of weeks I will get my chance at our next appointment. And, I will say that her confidence is extremely comforting.In the meantime, I've started on the supplements and am continuing to maintain the diet.I agree with you that getting my husband to fully understand the treatment/diet and see it's value will be a lot easier if he sees me feeling better. So, I continue to hope that that day will come soon.In the meantime, thank you again for being so generous with your experiences and insights.