Digestion Question

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Hey there lovely women,
As I have one month more until my first appt  with Matia and cannot ask her, please indulge me if you can ...

How many of you noticed that you also  had very difficult digestion issues with this?   Have any of you taken digestive enzymes, or is there something else that works with this..? I take thes and  hydrochloric acid tablets to digest food ( which is something I feel she may take me off of when I see her, but otherwise I am unable to digest these things I feel !)

I have known for years that my stomach has been the first factor, and then the bladder is what comes next if one of them is weak, however I am wondering how many others have issues and how this is being treated with Matia...

I am to the point where I boil the heck out of any vegetables I have because they are hard to digest otherwise , I feel like I react to grains bladderwise, but they are easier on my stomach....
, and I try to eat more fatty foods to keep me full but this actually hurts my stomach...a lot ( the fat) .  I was on paleo for awhile, attempting to eat tons of meat fat and ended up in a lot of pain from it. 

Am I the only one who has dealt with this?  Will this get better?  Oh yeah, food sensitivities as well....
So frustrated...
Thoughts anyone?

Mimij67's picture

I don't usually have any indigestion, but when I started this diet, I had some indigestion on list 1. I am just starting list 3 and it is rarely an issue now for me. She said it is normal and will resolve over time. Since she is treating an underlying imbalance, you should definitely see improvements in your digestion!!! I just don't know how long it will take. She will most likely take you off the HCL. But maybe she will give you some dietary suggestions and/or herbs to help with digestion??
A dietary example I just recently read on this board was that someone that did not like eggs was approved to have goat yogurt on list 1 or list 2 (Dr. B ok'd this only for this person) because Goat milk is easier to digest. Just one example....
I am amazed at all of the aches, pains, "issues" I have raised with Dr. B where she has indicated that they will resolve over time. The hard part is waiting it out!
Hope that helps!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

pterzwife's picture

Hi Pixie;  When I came to Matia last 2/24 I was taking a handfull fo digestive enzymes and HCL-betain at every meal. M told me that I needed to stop this because it was making my IC worse. SHe also told me that I needed to stop taking magnesium. All of that gave me pause, given my digestive history but I started eating veggies and was pooping on my own the next day. AMazing: I have taken only 1 mag pill in the last 9.5 months.
Dr. B will tell you what to do and you can trust her. My bladder took forever it seemed to change but a lot happened along the way and now I am snacking on things like apples and almond butter. Wow.
Age and how long people have been sick and how many western drugs they have taken seem to influence how long ti takes people to get well. I went backwards before I went forwards. M told me that the second 6 months would be a lot easier than the first and bladder-wise, boy was she right about that.
I have another health prob I am struggling with. Jury is out on whether it is IC related. (Long standing, periodic knee tracking problem reared its ugly head and is proving difficult to get a handle on.) But I hope to be able to say someday soon that this was all for the good (forced me to deal with body image, vanity, compulsive exercise and OCD-eating disorder fears that were very long standing) just as I am now able to say with IC. To reiterate, having the opportunity to heal with MB's protocol has been one of the best things I could have ever done for my health and my life. Have a good appt and call me if you want to have spring water when you are in LA. Bonnie
PS- MimiJ turned me on to a great gentle exercise program that I think would be very complementary with people's IC treatment. It really reinforces some of the things we have learned in dealing with IC, If interested, check out Katy Bowman's blog, "Alignment Matters."
As long as I am outing Mimi, thank you IC for introducing me to such a wonderful person.

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Hey Bonnie!
Glad to hear you are doing well!  I looked at Katy Bowman's blog.  Is the exercise program you are referring to in the book about foot pain relief?
I have been feeling like I need to get some exercise lately.  I've avoided it because right now too much movement hurts.  But I feel like this is something I need to SLOWLY start working on.  I've started taking 15-minute slow walks everyday and I'm doing okay with it.  It's actually really good for me to get outside in the fresh air.

pterzwife's picture

Yes, Resorative Exercise; Katy Bowman. bLog and her DVDs are for sale at www.RestorativeExercise.com. Good stuff.

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Thank you Bonnie!  This looks really interesting.

Pixie's picture

Thanks for the info Bonnie!
I've found that HCL and enzymes basically help my stomach digest food not in that I can't poop otherwise, but because my stomach seems to hurt after eating if I don't take them  and things seem to come out undigested if not!  Was that why you were taking it?  Did she maybe give you something else to help you digest??? I'm scared to take them but scared to go off them !

I feel allergic to almost everything, I am hoping that all of this will get addressed b/c right now my days are so up and down it's crazy ! 

I understand about the knee problem, that can make someone feel very crazy as well!  I sprained/fractured my foot two summers in a row and I felt so isolated, and some pretty old  intense eating disorder fears cropped up as this was happening as well, b/c I felt like I could not exercise which helped clear my mind usually .
 Let me know if you ever want to talk about this, because it always helps to have someone to talk, and I've been through the same thing and learned a lot from it :)

Dealing with it however, I do feel that I came out stronger, I had to just keep telling myself that it would all get better in time.  I think that is the biggest thing , thinking that these things are going to last forever, but they are not!!! Just like your bladder pain, the knee pain will pass :) 

.....I actually still have joint/foot/knee issues as well , but I see a special therapist  ( structural integration therapist) for it that has helped me come out of the woods in that respect and get on my feet again  which is good since I am a waitress part time and need my feet to make a living! 


cprince's picture

Hello Pixie,
You are definitely not alone with digestive problems! This is by far what I struggle with more than anything! My bladder pain comes and goes, and do have pretty much constant bladder pressure, but nothing trumps my esophagus, stomach, and bowels! I lived on antacids most of my life with severe heartburn symptoms and bowel problems starting as early as the age of 10, maybe before, but that is my first vivid memory sitting in 4th grade feeling like my insides were rotting. Oh, how I wish I could turn back time and known this was not normal! I am 20 months into treatment as still struggle with digesting food. Like you, if the veggies are not very well steamed it causes GI distress and most grains come out looking the same way they did going in! The only meat that really agrees with me is red meat as long as drain the fat with cooking. All poultry causes stabbing pains and burning in my esophagus. You are in good hands with Dr. B! My pain levels are down to a 2-3 most of the time where 20 months ago I was having awful episodes several times a day with very severe pain. No doubt, this is a very long slow road, but I believe the only true way to heal! Best of luck with your first appointment!:)

Pixie's picture

cprince, I'm sorry that you have digestive issues as well, but it is good to know that I am not alone and that you have found help through treatment, it is encouraging to know that I am on the right path....

So you feel that the treatment has helped your stomach and bowels?  Have you gone off grains at all?  I find that I react to most foods, grains included but I am hoping to work my way back up to eating them without issues.  The pain that has lessened for you, is that your stomach or bladder pain?  

cprince's picture

Yes, things have improved with my digestion and bowels. Still have quite a bit of trouble with my bowels, especially before my period starts. My IBS always goes crazy, not like there isn't enough pain and discomfort during this time, just get to add one more thing to the mix! Fortunately for now, just purely because of pain levels, I don't have to deal with my period too frequently because of PCOS. Another thing we are trying to work on.
There was a 3-4 month period that I went off all grains, not sure I felt a huge difference without them. I pretty much only eat brown rice, if I eat grains.  Dr B has had me try quinoa, and this was more difficult for me to digest and caused heartburn and nausea. I have recently tried the French Meadows spelt bread. It is delicious, only have had two slices since she wanted me to try it. The verdict is still out on how it is going. I don't want to jump in too quickly, for fear I will over do it, after not having wheat/bread in over 20 months. I had/have severe yeast overgrowth and I think will always be afraid to feed such an opportunistic simple organism. 
My pain has subsided more in my stomach as compared to my bladder, but I know my stomach/leaky gut must heal before the rest of my body can heal. My bladder is just more annoying most days, the frequency is enough to drive me batty!