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Hey everyone, I have been eating whole foods 365 brand eggs for about year now and they never bothered me until recently. Has anyone else had this happen to them?



IC-Hope's picture

I've never had a problem with eggs but check this out... I just bought Vital Farms eggs -- new at Whole Foods, expensive but responsibly produced & good -- and their pamphlet inside cites the Cornucopia Institute's ratings of organic eggs... interestingly WF brand rated only a 1.

selichan's picture

I am ok with the 365 Brand eggs as well, but is it me or have any of you realized how thin the shells are or have become? I have also recently had a bad batch of eggs with red blood spots which i learnt are not dangerous but not appetiting either!! I guess it happens when the chicken experiences stress during the process i.e being chased by a dog or something and the minor ruptures inside the chicken. I am curious to see if you use any other brands of eggs. tx.

blondy's picture

IC-Hope, thank you for pointing to Concordia Institute website. I learned that not all organic products are created equal. Pretty disturbing stuff about major organic producers. This promted me to check local farm market. During the online search I found a local store that sells rankig 3 eggs. I am going to check it out this week. I am researching farm delivery service now. Thanks again.