ew chest acne

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Ladies help!!!!  What do I do about this?  It is summer and I have these NASTY pimples on my chest.  Anything approved to handle something like this?

Aya's picture

Hi, I think you should ask Matia about this, but what I used in the past before IC was natural neem soap every day (I had Ayucare but I am sure there are other brands) and after washing PURE neem oil (the latter smells like hell - something between old nuts and garlic):). But it does work. Better than lavender oil, tea tree oil, oregano... Anything I have ever tried before that. Now I use just the soap for my back - treatment pimples indeed - and it works, too. I am not pimple-free though, just a lot better.

janejones's picture

Sunshine is good for drying up/healing spots.
Empty megadophilus into your palm and add tiny bit of olive oil, mix together and apply topically. (I used this with success a while ago with facial spots. I think it was Honeybee's advice).
Interesting research on thyme for acne (but ask Matia first of course!!!): www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9169283/Thyme-could-be-new-treatme...