eye pain

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the right outside corner of my eye feels bruised and hurts like i was hit there or somthing. it also feels a little puffy. has anyone else had anything like this before?

Melsvensen's picture

Gosh, every symptom someone posts, I have had!  Yes, it is worse when I wake up in the morning and it feels like I hit my eye, (more the corner) on the side of my bed post or something, even though I know I didn't.  I also wake up sometimes with itchy watery red eye.  

veryhappymom's picture

Torey,  I just had this same pain in the outer corner of my eye this week.  I was thinking it was related to my cold and am now happy to report that it must be die off :o)

shar's picture

I have that eye pain a lot and it feels like pressure/pain in the temples and behind my eyes.  I also have a extreme case of dry eyes which feels makes my eyes feel like sandpaper and gritty.  Right now my right eyelid is puffy and swollen and painful.  This is new for me and it doesn't let my eye open all the way...pretty weird!  I haven't been able to move my eye around cause of the pain, hopefully its die-off and not a new infection!