I have noticed an increase in feelings of anxiety, even paranoia, that are hard to calm down while taking probiotics. I was just wondering if anyone else experiences this? It can make even simple things like driving to the grocery store a heart pounding experience, as weird as that sounds.
I have also noticed an increase in anger, irritability and I tend to remember a bunch of things from years ago, even little things, that upset me while on this stuff. The feelings resurface all over again. Sometimes it is fears or shame, or feelings that were deep rooted in me when I was young. I'm not sure what to do with them or why this happens. I was just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar while taking probiotics?
Is it the probiotics or could it be the things that are dying off as a result of the probiotics? I go through periods of anxiety/depression and emotional upheaval too but I think it is related to the evil crap getting cleansed out of my system.
Like the sludge is making efforts to hang on and get some jabs in. healing reactions are often very unpleasant. could that be the case?
I would say that my feelings of anxiety have been less since starting the program almost 3 months ago. The one thing that I do notice though, is that I am having a lot of bad dreams and specifically my nightmare about mice that used to wake me and my husband up quite often. The nightmare is back. I had been over them for at least a couple of years now so I am quite surprised that I am having those nightmares again. I would go into detail about what triggered the dreams in the first place but if I describe what happened to me others might experience the dreams and I definitely do not want to cause more anxiety for anyone. I am a little upset that the nightmare is back but on the other hand I am happy that I am getting back to that deep sleep that I can experience dreams because for the last year prior to my diagnosis I was feeling that I was always semi conscious and not really sleeping. I am wondering if others have experienced having nightmares as they were going through this program.
bad dreams and craziness!
Yes, I had nightmares and episodes of total craziness (anger, severe impatience, etc) at different times during treatment. Mostly when Matia switched me to something new that was strong and meant to really work hard at killing the bad stuff(yeast, microbes) as I recall. These episodes passed, usually pretty quickly, but I still noticed them. I also remember feeling alot better physically (like less pain for example) after I got through these pereiods. That was just my experience tho, not sure that everyone would have the same thing happen.
Bad Dreams
I have noticed that bad dreams occur under two circumstances. 1) When the bacterial or fungal count is too high in the body, or 2) when that those counts are getting reduced through die-off it can also be intense.
Interestingly, the worst I ever noticed it was in my own body early this year when I had pneumonia. I had super high fever, and raging nighmares along with all of my lung symptoms.
In Chinese medicine, we correlate different kinds of emotions and dreams with different organ systems. The liver and kidneys are two organs that become affected by the microbial balance being too high bc it puts a higher load on these organs of filtration. The liver is associated with anger and the kidneys, fear. If you put these emotions together, it is not difficult to connect how you can get nightmares. The "Shen" is said to become affected by these kinds of inflammatory disturbances causing a lot of heat in the body as happens with infection--both chronic and acute. This affect causes emotional reactions and disturbances.
As the infection that I had earlier this year went down, so did my nightmares. When the infection was gone--so were my nightmares.This experience was interesting even for me bc it was so black and white.
This is so cool I love this
This is so cool I love this kind of feed back Matia it all makes so much since. I love making since out of the symptoms.I love to learn about the correlation of the organs and Chinese med.Thanks for teaching us I love to hear more about it all. I am finding my self feeling very emotional on these probiotics myself. I did a bit of crying tonight. I don't know it wasn't about anything just started to cry. I am doing a lot of yeast cleansing atm.
response to everyone
It is funny that bad dreams are being brought up--just last night I was awakened by a noise and I was mad because as I told my husband, "I was having such a good dream!!" and I usually don't. I often dream the same nightmares over and over. I have been with Matia for several years so I understand the whole die off thing, but sometimes I still feel like a lunatic even though that's probably all that is happening. I remember one week during which I had intense, vivid nightmares every night, related to a life issue (my parent's marriage) that has always been a big concern for me. It was awful. I tend to live out my biggest fears in my dreams, and I seem to have a lot of bad dreams when my body is "upset."
I've also experienced the intense anger/irritation that makes me feel like strangling someone! At first I just thought my husband was being especially annoying until we went somewhere and everyone there drove me just as nuts!! It is always the probiotics, the more I take, the worse this stuff gets.
ANd one other thing I noticed--when I become constipated-the more days my bowels do not move, the harder it is to sleep and the more troubled my sleep becomes
I get the same thing with my dreams. I don't know if it is the probiotics because I am always on them. I don't have any off time to refrance it. What I do know helps me is that i write them down as soon as I wake up. What ever i can recall or use a recorder so you don't need to be fully functioning. I often just go back to sleep and then on to the next one. When i am awake then I can look back on them and actually do some of my own therapy. I have found it helpful in deoding some patterns in my self.