Hello out there. I am about to have my first meeting with Dr. Brizman this week. If anyone has any tips on what to expect or things to bring for the first time it would be greatly appreciated. I live in Canada so will not be able to see her after the initial visit and want to make sure I have and do everything I need to while i am there!
I find it very inspirational to see all of you getting some help with this and I hope it works for me too! I feel like i have tried everything and have had no relief. I'm currently only functional (as in able to leave bed) for a couple hours a day (if that) and its really starting to take a tole on my mental state. I don't remember the last day that was pain free but it must have been upwards of 6 months ago. Ive had issues with this area of my body my whole life (kidney reflux, chronic kidney and bladder infetions, and now ic) and at the rip age of 23 I am beyond ready to retire from this illness. Its absolutely exhausting me lately with chronic kidney infections every 3 weeks and the pain from ic. I'm nervous about giving up antibiotics, though I know how horrible they can be on your system, but will need a way to get rid infections. I gave up all pain meds over the last couple months and was wondering if anyone had any natural tips for relieving the pain? I get so overwhelmed by it and am worried about travelling to LA (which is usually the most painful time).
stay strong fellow IC'ers.
First Meeting-Reaching Out
Hello Alex,
My name is Kim and I live in Canada too. I am going for my first appointment in May! I wish you tons of luck with your travels and your first meeting. I can't wait for my time, I am 39 days and counting! If you want to chat my email is:
Matia has treated me for numerous bladdder infections, colds, and a kidney infections with herbs. I have found that using a hot water bottle helps releive pain. You will be in good hands :o)