Flare from spelt pasta? (??!!)

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Just wondering whether anyone else has flared with this? Found some in my local healthfood shop and was v excited - am on list 1/2 so thought this would be ok for - but have had a couple of days of flare of my symptoms - urethral burning, some vaginal burning; basically, all the tissues down there feeling very inflamed. It seems SUCH a benign thing to be bothering me, but can't think of anything else I've changed ...

Shelby's picture

were there any other ingredients besides spelt?  Just wondering if that was what caused your flare.  Do you eat spelt bread without issue?  could be something else, ie something you came into contact with or something you put on your skin.  give it a few days to clear up and try again.  thats how i know for sure if its truly that that bothered me.  hope you feel better soon.

SarahC's picture

I checked the ingredients afterwards (shades of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted!) and really annoyingly they don't list them! So I'm assuming it's just spelt, but no way of knowing. I've always been ok with spelt bread as far as I can tell, but very rarely have it. Back to the brown rice for me! So annoying, and painful. Haven't felt this crappy for a while!

veryhappymom's picture

Many people have problems with spelt at the beginning of treatment.  Track your symtpoms to see if it is bothering you.  If spelt causes problems, you could try it again next month.

veryhappymom's picture

Many people have problems with spelt at the beginning of treatment.  Track your symtpoms to see if it is bothering you.  If spelt causes problems, you could try it again next month.

SarahC's picture

I'll do that. Certainly going to leave it for a bit. Haven't done anything else different, so thinking it must be that. Now eating plain as can be and guzzling water to try to dial things down again. I was doing pretty well, annoying to be knocked off course! My bladder itself seems pretty good now - frequency/urgency all basically gone since doing the diet, and bladder pain /itching/rawness has gone too, but still have this horrible pain in all the external tissue. It's really burning tonight! Better that than the urgency, though, oof ...!

deir's picture

That is so frustrating! I hope you figure it out soon!

researchnerd's picture

the reactions to different forms of a food vary.  so for example some people are cool with spelt bread but not pasta or brown rice but not rice pasta.  its digested differently.
that totally sucks man.  sorry to hear it!

SarahC's picture

that's really interesting! And so, so, deeply odd. Flare *seems* to be dying down this morning (though I'm always at my best in the mornings - afternoons worst for me) - if it vanishes I think I've found my culprit. Sheesh! Will ask Matia at next appt. Most annoying.
Deir, how are you doing??