Hi all.
So I started treatment with Dr Boaz Brizman about 6 weeks ago and have seen some great improvement over the last couple of weeks! However, I am completing the last year of my university degree this year and have just been told that the flu vaccination will be mandatory for hospital placements (and I have to do a hospital placement). I'm feeling a little frustrated as I am so scared it will really set me back after making such huge gains.
Has anyone had any experience with this or know how much it could potentially set me back?
In the US- in most places you
In the US- in most places you can claim "religious exemption" I think you are in Australia? Not sure what the laws are. Look up exemptioons for vaccines and see what you can find. Maybe another Australian patient might know
Hi Emma, I refused the flu
Hi Emma, I refused the flu vaccine at the hospital that I work at. I just had to sign a declination form/say I was allergic to eggs. People that are allergic to eggs cant get the one type of flu vaccine in the US. Maybe you could try that? Or just say it is for religious purposes. Good LUCK!
Emma, like Star, I too signed
Emma, like Star, I too signed a waiver because my sensitivity to eggs. No one can force you to get a vaccination there are fun alternatives like wearing mask at all times! It stinks, but in the end I know I am not going to be worrying about a negative reaction to the flu shot!
Thanks everyone for your
Thanks everyone for your input! After my initial panic, I think I have found a way around it :) It looks like there may be a couple of hospitals I can go to that don't require it so I am very relieved!
I had the biggest flare of my
I had the biggest flare of my life the day after a flu vaccine. I would try any way possible to get yourself out of it.