Apparently, the inflammation in my knee joints that has turned my life upside down since September is IC related. I had not made that conclusion until recently because I have had knee problems before. This time, though, the old fixes have not worked and ai have gone from an hour of exercise daily to sitting as much as I can to try to get the inflammation out of my knee.
At one point every day- and that point is now- I AM PANICKING. I can't do much of anything and my body and mind are freaking out from the sitting and not being able to do much of a productive nature.
my joints- especially the left one are so whacked out that I have to be incredibly careful or they swell up. Today's error was a light calf stretch for 30 seconds that has set my left knee back. I am a slow learner.
i know that this is supposed to be a valuable experience and I am supposed to be working on my mind but I don't care. I just want to be normal.
thank you for all of the support this year. Wise thoughts appreciated.
Hey Bonnie,
Hey Bonnie,
I am so sorry you are going through this! Especially at Christmas! I am in a really bad bladder flare right now that started while we were on vacation at the beach last week. Dr. B scaled my dose way down today to just a couple things, and I think it is helping. I also have a burning sensation through my whole digestive system. I feel like my body is so out of whack!
But then I remind myself that this is all part of the process, just like your knee. You and I will both get through this. It's awful in the midst of it, but we have to feel pain to know what's going wrong in our bodies. That's why Western medicine can only take us so far when it comes to chronic illness. I am thankful for the pain meds that I can take when I really need them, but they aren't a solution to the problem.
Dr. B will help you with your knee inflammation and my digestive system inflammation. In the meantime, read some good books, watch some sentimental Christmas movies, etc. while you are unable to move a whole lot. I took up card-making recently and I'm having so much fun being creative with it! But most of all, keep the faith! We are in good hands and we will get better.
That knee thing sounds
That knee thing sounds horrible, i hope you find some relief soon.
Can someone help me, i am quite new to the forum and cannot work out how to start a thread, could someone steer me in the right direction, i'm sure it is staring me in the face, but i just can't work it out.
Go to "IC User Forums"
Go to "IC User Forums" heading on menu bar at top of website. Select a category like General Health and start a new thread.