The last couple of weeks have been quite frustrating for me. I have been experiencing so much gas and bloating and it seems to have increased my urination which then stops me from getting enough sleep. Does this happen to others and how long has it lasted? Possibly it is die off but always hard to tell. Not sure if should change what I am eating.
hey kristie! my major
hey kristie! my major problems are gas bloating, more so than bladder pain alot of the time.i think it may be the yeast and die off or your bowels trying to sort themselves out and move. i know how u feel its soooo uncomfortable i always look pregnant and have to hide my belly! i try not to eat alot of grains and more vegetables, but for me nothing helps much i just have to get through it. i think the amount of time it last is diferent for everyone b/c ive asked many people about this. hang in there:)
thanks Tory
Thanks Tory. I have not had this problem before so a bit frustrating. What is making it worse is that it seems to increase my frequency. Going every 15 minutes and not getting sleep. I know I will get through this. I just hope it is soon. We are trying different combinations of supplements.
you never had bloating untill now? are you constipated also? when im really constipated my frequency seems to act up
uncomfortable when walking
Since I have been having this gas and bloating I also have a hard time walking to far beacuse I feel like I have to urinate because of the pressure. Does this happen for others whee they feel uncomfortable walking. I had this in the beginning and it subsided but it is back. A little upsetting because I was enjoying the freedom of going for walks. Hopefully this subsides soon.
i think i can relate to what ur saying. i have felt pressure when i walk but i feel it more if im just standing, i feel so top heavy and stomach feels pressure and hard as a rock! its so uncomfortable and my hips and lower back get really tense also like i cant twist my hips. did matia switch up your herbs or is it just the yeast causing this?
We completely changed up the herbs. She feels that it is a build up in the small intestine. Perhaps too much tonifying. I ahve had some relief in symptoms but not to the point that I would like but will probably take some time. It is so true that our bodies are always changing and so does our treatment need changing thank goodness we have Matia to guide us through this process.
Feeling desperate
Still having the gas and bloating. I have been going through quite a difficult time in the last few weeks. I am getting very little sleep. At night he intestine gets really gassy and I have to have bowel movements throught the night which in turn is affecting my bladder. We have changed the supplemnts to one that is more cleaning rather than nourishing thinking that there is an overgrowth in the intestine. This has been really frustrating in terms of getting sleep. Wondering if others have experienced this with the intestine and bladder being so connected. I know that I read others seem to have constipation but that sure is not me. Any suggestions. I am thinking of changing what I am eating but if I do that I will have very little to eat. If I could get past this I think things would be so tolerable as I have improved so much over the past eleven months. This though is worrying me.
I know it's important for you
I know it's important for you to sleep but all that your going through is a farmilar place and Hopefully it will not be as intense during the night. It sounds like your getting some good stuff out though and when it's done running it's corse you should feel some sort of improvement. A lot of time it's scary and uncomfortable but the end stage is worth the hell you have to get through to get there. I have had these nights before too and they do pass. Every time i go through a stage like this it means something good is waiting for me. So far it's been a lot of small things but all those small things add up till one day your like Oh MY Look how far I have come. and that person you started is almost hard to even remember.It's a hard road but you will get there we are all going to get there.BtW as I type this I have this beautiful boquet of stench comming out my @** toot. I have been passing gass like crazy but it's ok I know right now my hormones still have some balancing to do and microbal imbalance is going on during my cycle more yeast in turn means intestinal issues. Theres a reason for all of it and were all moving forward it's just at the pace of a snail or a slug lol. You going to get there just hang on.
anyone else dealing with
anyone else dealing with horrdendous bloating? i cant even wear sundresses without looking pregant:(i sure hope this gets better soon
queeen of bloating
hi all,I am the queeen of severe bloating and intestinal pain from hell! I have not been able to let out any gas in almost two's awful awful awful....and I wish i could just take a pin....and let the air out.....sending everyone lots of love and healing energy!
keren, r u in treatment with
keren, r u in treatment with matia? if so has ur bloating gotten better at all?i just wish i knew when it was going to get better!
Hi Torey,Yesss....i am a
Hi Torey,Yesss....i am a second time around patient. I was very very very sick about 12 years ago......and Matia was a miracle I am back at it again. I had a horrible ear infection two years ago....took 3 doses of antibiotics.....and havent been the same since.My bloating is out of much pain and discomfort.....the only time I really feel great......without intestinal bloating is my first 4 days of my starts all over again.I also have tons and tons of thick discharge since Sept...non icky....Are you ok???? do you have a lot of pain? are you able to let out the gas at all?Matia is amazing....and will get us out of this nightmare...i promise you! She is brillllllllllllllliant!With love,Keren