So a whole foods is opening up in my area and I got a part time job there! Yay! I was wondering if you guys could tell me what kind of products do you buy there. I am on list 4. From your breads, to any packaged foods, to personal products. I also am curious about their 365 products. Anyone use them? Drink the water, etc? Also, do they sell our probiotics there? I know they sell natren but I know natren sells many probiotics that we don't use. Thanks in advance! It opens up in 2 weeks but I can't wait that long to see for myself haha.
Congratulations! WF sell
Congratulations! WF sell almost everything, plus you can place a special order for items not found in inventory. They do sell Natren products, although I had to order Bifido and wait three weeks. They said they couldn't get 90 caps, only 60, which is more expensive per cap. With you discount ( I hope you have one) it may be still less expensive than anywhere else. Good luck!
that's awesome LeeLee,
that's awesome LeeLee, congratulations! You can pretty much do all your shopping there, from your meat and vegetables to personal products like shampoo, conditioner, Neem toothpaste w/o fluoride, feminine pads.Recently, I've been getting the Artisana brand raw organic cashew butter. It comes in individual portion wraps; delicious with rice cakes. :) They carry natren probiotics, but not the big size. I get those from Matia's office. They also carry echinea goldenseal and many other brands Matia will suggests throughout the treatment.
Thanks guys! I went there
Thanks guys! I went there today for some training and saw the mega and bifido! Very excited! And yes I get a 20% discount! The store is beautiful, I can't wait to start. Anyone use anything specific? Or the 365 products? The store is so massive you could be saving me some time looking through all of it :)
I can't remember all but here
I can't remember all but here is a few that comes to mind: 365 eggs, the brown package with no omega added, 7th generation cleaning products, baby wipes no chlorine, Natrabrand? feminine pads, TheraNeem Gentle Shampoo and Conditioner. Just remembered, we had a survey a while ago about products we use. A lot of those you can find from whole foods, i'd do a search on product survey. I get Real Salt, Lundberg? Rice cakes and organic rice, Stoneyfield Organic Yogurt, Kosher Provolone Cheese (in package), You can get your grassfed meat and chicken there as well. They also carry NatureTint hair color, and Gabriela make up Matia recoomends. Have fun at those aisles picking IC friendly products :)