Another question for you patient helpful women - what is 'pain' with IC for everyone? Sometimes I dont know if I have pain, irritation or discomfort? Or is everyone's interpretation of it different? When I am in discomfort, I am conscious of it the whole time, so I suppose that is pain. But when I first got ill (was only in October last year but brewing for years), I was in agony, couldnt walk, couldnt get out of bed. I now think that other level of pain was from the cystscopy and that pain went away. I am doing everything I did before but with constant irritation.
Does that fact that I came off the pill,got my fillings out, changed my diet drastically,had so many antibiotics in the last year alone, mean all of this has to come out of me and bladder irritation will be there for some time? I only did all these things about seven weeks ago.
On a slightly off topic note, does Matia help detoxing with mercury or does she know, from looking at the body, all the imbalances that are there, regardless of the causes?
I am not
sure how to answer all your questions, and I am hopeful someone else can do much better...
But yes, I think I am in pain most the time... now this has gotten better. It used to be ALL the time. Every waking moment, but this also took some time to get to, though i have had IC over 10 years. But still, I always "feel" my bladder, and I have frequency as my main symptom. The only reason I have all this frequency is because, I am in PAIN. It is not only uncomfortable if I don't get to a bathroom, it is painful... and would be extremely debilitating painful if I do not get to a bathroom on time to relieve some of that pressure/stinging/throbbing pain. When I am flaring, this frequency is much closer together (like every 2-5 minutes when I am flaring really bad, which I have not done very often since starting treatment) and going to the bathroom hardly gives me any comfort. Also, I have the extreme burning, that makes you feel like I need and ice pack on the outside, and inside. This too, though, has gotten much better with treatment, tho I still deal with it. This in my opinion, the burning, is VERY painful. And it makes me feel like I am losing or will lose my mind if it does not stop.
Ok, I did not mean to go on about myself? Just is the way I would describe pain versus just discomfort. Actually, I think pain is an extreme case of being in extreme discomfort and BECAUSE of irritation.
Your two other questions are very good ones for Matia herself... but I will say that yes, she would be able to help you with both, and have answers to them.
some answers
In my opinion, there's a continuum, but discomfort seems to come before all-out pain. But I've noticed that pain is so highly personal and subject to many different interpretations that it's hard to speak the same language about it.
I don't think your recent issues necessarily means you'll have long-term bladder damage or pain. There's no way to know. Some patients who've had all that improve quickly; others take a while. There are so many factors. A possible sign might be if you see significant improvements early on.
Matia helps with treating and balancing your whole body, so it's not that there's a specific treatment she employs for detoxing mercury or any other substance per se. Rather, her approach works on multiple issues and layers at a time, and should resolve various issues and causes of damage in time.
I ask the same question about
I ask the same question about pain. I would never characterize what i feel as pain. maybe I am mild or maybe I just characterize things differently. When I feel bad, I have a constant gnawing, crampy nasty feeling. I never have a sharp or stabbing "pain"