How to keep weight OFF after healing?

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There's another discussion going on right now about patients losing too much weight and wanting to put some back on. Dr. Brizman has said that, yes, the weight does come back on when your body is in a more balanced state. 

But I've heard lots of commenters saying they're afraid to gain too much weight back (myself included). I think most (though not all) of us really appreciate the 10-pound loss and our new svelter selves! Are there instances out there where patients were able to keep their new slender bodies without regaining the weight? If so, how did you do it? I'd love to stay where I am now (which is 117 lbs at 5"3).

[Please note that I am asking this with complete and utter respect to those out there frustrated by their too-dramatic weight loss.]

C's picture

I think for me trying to stay too skinny in part helped contribute to my IC, I used to skip meals and eat the wrong things and eventually didn't have an appetite until around 4 pm each day, these days I know when I have to eat and it's very regularly, I feel good when I eat.
It took developing IC for me to appreciate my body and I'm still not all better yet. I've been in treatment for about 15 months and I still have a way to go. My whole life I've had multiple complaints, my thighs are too flabby and I have too much cellulite, my breasts are too small my nose it too big, etc. Until I developed IC, I had all these complaints for a body that operated and functioned the way it should.
I too wondered if I would stay super thin after my treatment, but as my body is getting healthier so is my view of my body and I'm back up to the weight I was when I started treatment which at the time I thought was too heavy, but now I see isn't enough; I could still comfortably gain a few more pounds and still look good. I like my body more than I ever have and I think it's down to my mind getting healthier along with my body. I'm still pretty thin- 120lbs and 5ft 6”. I think we will stay on the slim side when we're better because we won't be eating sugar or drinking alcohol which really contribute to weight gain, and when we're better we can exercise again and stay toned which will also help, but I think also when we're better it won't matter to us as much as we'll have a better view of our bodies and having a normal functioning bladder will be really awesome :)

deir's picture

Well said Spacemanspiff!!