How long do you take Cold herbs?

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Hi Ladies,

I'm starting to have the first signs of a cold. Matia told me what I need to take, I just forgot to ask her for how long. I thought it would be faster to get an answer here. =) So when do you stop taking the herbs for the cold?


Mimij67's picture

I thouht you had to be all better before switching back. On another note, I have had several small colds earlier in treatment and never went off my protocol and was fine. Depending on where you are in treatment, cold herbs can bother the bladder (of course, not always) so I haven't used them in two years.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

jenxjen03's picture

Oh okay, thanks. Luckily, I'm okay with the herbs I'm taking. My boyfriend is just getting over the cold so I knew it was just a matter of time, ha ha.