How much is too much?

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When it comes to snacks, chips, nuts, cheese, just how much is too much? I've been making myself a provolene cheese and tomatoe panini almost everyday. One great thing is i put on a few pounds, so i don't look so sickly anymore, but i am also scared if i am overdoing the dairy. I just recently started having organic kettle chips, i have to really be in control of myself as i love all things potatoe and salt.

Willow's picture

Hi Selichan,
I haven't asked Dr. Brizman that specific question, but I'm also aware of the dangers of indulging in too much dairy, potatoes, fruit, etc.  Right now I'm just trying to listen to my body and use moderation. For example, I'll only buy chips once a week max (though it probably should be even less) and have small amounts of cheese and fruit when I do eat it. 
It's really hard to temper myself, especially with all the goodies available on list 3, but I try to force myself to keep to the basics (veggies, plain meats, etc.) and see all the rest as bonuses. 
If someone has a more specific answer or has gotten advice on this from Dr. B, I'd love to hear it.  Also, I've seen posts on the forum about the importance of food combining (such as always eating carbs together with protein). Is that something Dr. Brizman recommended?

selichan's picture

I like your idea of buying these less-healthy snacks once a week. That'll work for me I think. It's hard to resist those chips when they are constantly available, and requires no time to prepare anything. I don't eat a lot at one sitting ever, maybe most 10 chips, but i am afraid if i did that everyday, it's still pretty bad accumulation.
Combining carbs with protein is what Matia advises. I've been eating the chips with a bowl of yogurt :) weird combination but hey, the chips are so worth it :))

Mrs. A's picture
Mrs. A

with snacks, too. I like both of your ideas of eating small amounts of chips with either cheese or yogurt. I am going to give both a try! Thank you for sharing.