I am so excited and i know I am on the right path but I also insanely anxious. I have to leave my kids (including my nursing baby) The whole trip planning part has me so stressed. What do I eat? Where do I pump (breasts)? I am definitely a mild case compared to most of what I have read and yet these past 3 months + have been the worst most emotionally taxing time pf my life.
Several people (doctors, alternative and regular) have made the icomment that I must be holding in some anger. this thought is really upsetting me and frankly making me ..angry! I do have a tendency towards angry outbursts particularly while stressed or during PMS ( which I think is all related to the gut anyway) but I also cope mostly great. even through this whole hell, I;ve been taking care of my kids and pretty much going about my business. Yesterday, a chiropractor suggested I had unresolved anger from my father and he kind of implied that Dr B couldn't heal me if i had that stuck. this is an idea that i really hate. I have a loving, involved dad who was and is a raging alcoholic. I have had a lot of anger towards him in the past but now I have compassion and understanding. it makes me upset to think that maybe i haven't really dealt with it and it is all just lurking there causing me this chronic illness. Last night I had a huge fight with my dear husband and this am I was yelling at my kids so now I think this idea is starting to be self perpetuating. I have a hair trigger temper right now because I haven't felt normal since jan 15.
Anyway- I guess I needed to get this out. I feel like dr Brizman will address all my issues and I know I am headed in teh right direction.
Good luck with your
Good luck with your treatment. I cannot comment on the nature of anger and IC connection. I don't believe there is one.
Have your read Dr. B's dissertation? There is one section that mentions parental bonding issues and IC. I told think unresloved issues cause IC. In our society, many people grow up in difficult home environments. You will feel so much better after meeting Matia and starting treatment :o)
Thanks. I don't think anger
Thanks. I don't think anger causes it either. I am upset because these doctor's put in my head. I have a great loving realtionship with my mom.
i am looking forward to meeting Matia! I finally feel like "Yes I am going to get better!"
I wish I knew how to really
I wish I knew how to really forgive. My mom wasn't a great Mom growing up, she enjoyed her work and boyfriends more than she enjoyed being a Mom. I definately feel I have unresolved anger towards her. I love her and I spend a lot of time with her but I do definately have anger issues with her. I've never felt truly accepted or loved by my Mom.
just wanted to say that I am
just wanted to say that I am appalled at my typo. doctor's should say doctors. My hubby is an English teacher- I am so ashamed! LOL
Deir, how long did you have
Deir, how long did you have to wait for appointment?
I couldn't go until May 25
I couldn't go until May 25 and that was fine. They told me it was about a week or a week and a half wait. I would love to go sooner but I couldn't work it out with kids etc.