ketogenic diet

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Has anyone caut out all grains and limited thier carbs to under 50 grams a day? If yes, how did your bladder handle that? Thanks. Edwena



ejh's picture

Hello Edwena,  I stopped eating grains last summer and I feel better for it. It really caused a marked improvement for me.  When I cut them out, I wasn't eating potatoes which I started eating after I cut out the grains.  What I was eating was spelt bread, rice cakes and rice.  Cutting them out was hard.  I supplemented with potatoes (and often in the form of potatoe chips) to get me over the cravings.  I don't think about grains at all now. There was some discussion on this forum about this a year or more ago and I believe a blog post by Matia.  My recollection is that she said cutting them out isn't the path for everyone.  Boaz gave me the green light to try it and so I did and I have made a lot of improvement.  (I'm almost 2 year in treatment).  If Matia/Boaz is on board what's the harm in trying it?Good Luck.  




ejh's picture

I forgot to mention the improved symptoms - bladder pain decreased, urethra pain decreased and so did vv.  The one time I've had rice over the last 6 months, I flared.

edwena's picture

Thanks for replying Ejh. I actually stopped treatment with Matia many years ago. My bladder was so well. But I have gained a lot of weight these last couple of years. I tried to cut out grains but it did increase frequency and urgency which I have not experieced in a long time. :( Going to try it again. Hoping bladder will stay strong through it all.

Mrs. A's picture
Mrs. A

Hi! My bladder and overall system does better on no grains. I am 4 years with Matia and doing better on no grains, no nightshades,very little fruit, and no dairy as well, for me personally. My bladder is totally calm as well as my IBS symptoms.
I use red lentils and navy beans, both soaked overnight first, as my carbs (about 80 gr overall per day works for me) as well as butternut squash and rutabagas. I eat lots of cooked veggies with every meal in addition to these carbs, a little protein and a little fruit. I also eat nuts, and can drink black tea and coffee. My weight is good, energy great, and overall very thankful for where my body is at. I hope you have a wonderful new year in good health.

edwena's picture

HI Mrs A. Thanks for your response. How do you prepare your veggies and what fruits are you eating? What about butter, I know its dairy but many dairy free people eat butter. Thanks.



Mrs. A's picture
Mrs. A

Hi! I can't eat butter, I have tried several times. I roast, saute, and cook vegetables, and also cook them in soups. I am presently eating a little apple, little blueberries or raspberries, and a slice or two of mandarin. Not all in the same day, but about the amount of half an apple a day. I hope this helps!

deir's picture

I cut out rice and I think it is helping me a bit or it could be coincidence. I find that I have a hard time not overeating rice cakes so I think it is good for me to stop them. I am also maintaining a very good weight- I am always thin but I feel a few pounds lighter with less abdominal bloating. Also- less cravin for carbs. I seem to naturally have about 60- 80 carbs or less a day and feel good. I start the day with souordough spelt and that is the only grain I have

JessicaN's picture


I am currently eating no starches at all; eating only meat and vegetables. I have been with Dr. Boaz for almost two years and it wasn't until 2 months ago I finally decided to follow my instincts and stopped eating potatoes. Early on I figured out grains were not compatible with me so I gave them up and only ate potatoes for my starch. Since giving up ALL starches my bladder has improved remarkably. I now have many moments of being at a 0 or 1 on a pain scale and at worst get up to a 3 with burning, urgency, achiness, and spasms. When I first started the program my bladder was pretty bad and after being on the program I did experience some good improvement but then it felt like I plateaued. Then I gave up all starch and it feels like I have finally opened a new chapter of healing. Yay!!! 

Due to this change my body is in ketosis so I have lost 14 lbs in 2 months. I didn't need to lose weight but Dr. Boaz said he is not worried and that my weight will even out. I'm on List 1 and 2....still not tolerating everything on list 2 but getting there. What is great is now that my bladder feels better I'm able to tell with much more clarity when something new I eat doesn't agree. My cravings for sweets and anything starch are very high, but nothing tastes as good as a healthy bladder feels! I'm remaining hopeful and looking forward to one day eating a potato again! :-) 

Thea's picture

Hi Edwena,

I too cut out all grains almost one year ago.  I do not eat nightshades, nuts, dairy, legumes or beans.  Since removing all of the above, I have made huge improvements in my healing.  My bladder is always around a 0-2.  I still have frequency at times.  I do find I have to eat a lot of veggies and protein to keep myself full.  To cut the carb cravings, I include acorn, butternut, spaghetti squash, or other squashes and carrots on a daily basis in small amounts also with small amounts of fruit (I am eating at level 4).  I lost about 12-15 lbs and am thin, but healthy.  I truly believe the weight I could never lose was due to the inflammation in my body.  Changes is your diet is definitely worth exploring if you aren't where you want to be in your healing.  Best wishes!


Honeybee's picture

I was having major stomach pain as my issue after mostly healing my bladder and the almost all of the VV sx. We cut out grains in winter of 2015 ( I was eating sourdough and spelt that I made)  and it made a major improvement for me. It took awhile to manifest though. Probably 6-8 months of intensely eating this way.  Since I am list 4-5 mostly 5 but strangely I don't indulge in anything but coffee and the tiniest dollop of maple syrup on my baked acorn squash! okay okay maybe a tiny bit of agave sweetened chocolate but a TINY amount as things can get ugly fast if I don't watch it!  I swtiched to Quinoa which is a seed, Black beans ( sometimes) potatoes ( only recently added gold and red ones back) but generally I eat now sweet potatoes, yams, squashes roasted or steamed  all root veggies turnips, rutabega, parsnips, beets but mostly yams and acorn squashes and quinoa it just took my stomach healing to the next level ( stronger longer stretches of no stomach flares) and the bouts of VV and urethral irritation as well that were ocassional when the stomach stuff would kick up and move out and down. I gotta say I feel really good and as we clean more and more and more making my elimination systems that much more efficient and plugging the holes as it were everyday I feel stronger and my digestion feels stronger and all the little residual aches and flares seem to just melt away into non memory existence.  Raw Milk was another thing that kicked it all up a notch for me in a positive way. I was having trouble maintaining weight and got really thin.  Now bc of the raw milk I feel like my calories are " sticking!"  This was my path - everyone is different. It took me 7-5 years to get to this point of being able to tolerate the things and foods that are actually working their magick in a healing way. 

JessicaN's picture

Honeybee, thank you for sharing your story! Since you are further along the path than me it is very nice to hear your story. As soon as I finished reading the last words of your post a wave of emotion washed over me and I cried...cried because I felt happiness for you and your healing, and inspiration and encouragement to stay strong myself.  Much love and wishes to you for continued healing and health!