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So I know me along with a lot of people have problems with the bifado factor, but does anyone get affected by just the megadophilus or the siberian ginsing???  I am just taking those for awhile before starting the bifado again?  anyone have increase bloating and bladder symptoms with just these?




Portia :)

selichan's picture

Hi Portia, I am ok with Megadophilus now. In the beginning, we tried 1 pill versus 2 pills three times a day, as my pain levels fluctuated. Now i am back to 1 pill three times, and ok with it. It was mainly burning feeling with voiding, sometimes urgency. Never tried the siberian ginsing, what's that for? 

BRyne's picture

I've had a combination of all three. Started out w/ Mega and eventually added in the Bifido. I did ok for a bit then added in Siberian which was awful - terrible bladder and reflux. We nixed the Siberian, went back to Mega & Bifido and then something else happened, I don't remember exactly but I couldn't tolerate it. So we removed the probiotics completely and I'm on an herbal regimen which now includes Siberian. I was concerned that the Siberian would hurt me but we had waited for a little while before trying it & Dr. B seems to have found a combination that works. My guess is that it all has to do with combinations. Hang in there, figuring it all out isn't fun.

porkchop87's picture

Thank you so much you guys for replying to my post. :) Beth you are so is so frustrating trying to figure it all out. I decided yesterday that I am just going to stick with just the megadophilus and keep the bifido and siberian out of it for awhile.  I will probably call Matia in a few weeks if I don't get better with the megadophilus.  It is so weird because I don't have any bloating or bladder symptoms if I just eat the diet and don't take anything so it is hard to make myself take it.
thanks so much for your time and help, You don't know how much it means to me to have friends on here to talk to,

BRyne's picture

I would email her before making any changes. Tell her what you would like to do and see what she has to say. Feel better! :)