Nail Polish and Remover

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I was wondering if you guys are ok using nail polish, or if that needs to be IC friendly as well. Are there any brands that are no-no? I love Essie and use SpaRitual but i might have gotten a flare from trying a new Essie color. I am also curious what polish remover i can try, seems they are all so toxic smelling. 

I recently spoke to a friend who works in the beauty industry, and was surprised that i was still occasionally wearing nail polish but not using any other skin product. She said nail polish is very toxic and is absorbed completely to skin. This may explain my recent flare, or a die-off? 


veryhappymom's picture

There is a great old thread on this site on nail polish.  I use the brand Zoya.  They have a great sale every June.

selichan's picture

thanks veryhappymom!. I saw the thread and read it all. I guess I'll ask Matia about the other brands i am using and what to avoid in them.