Does anyone have any idea what causes nausea? Is it toxic liver? something else?... I tried to ignore it, but it just doesn't go away.
I vividly remember Tinkerbell's post about how nauseated she felt some time ago. It was one of her last posts here. Is she doing all right? I can't email her for some reason, but sure can share the experience.
Hi Blondy - I'm not sure - just saying that I'm sorry that you feel like crap. I've only minimally had that joy - I've learned not to gloat - never know what's coming at you.
Sorry - know nothing about Tinkerbell. Maybe if you made a new post with her name - it would draw her out.
Hi there. I don't have an
Hi there. I don't have an answer to your question but I just wanted you to know that I keep in touch with Tinkerbell, she is a dear friend.. And she is doing well. I will let her know you are trying to contact her!
Especially in the morning
I also feel nauseated regularly. Especially in the morning and when my bladder is full. Do you have times when it is worse? I was planning to ask Dr. B what this is about at my next appointment. When i first got IC i felt nauseated almost daily, now it is much less, weeks could go by and i don't feel it, but this week i've had two days of it. I too wonder why.
Yes, morning feelings are the
Yes, morning feelings are the strongest. First two things that I feel as soon as I open my eye are full bladder and nausea, almost like I am ready to throw up (pardon details).
I know that feeling
That used to happen to me all the time, waking up feeling like that! Now my bladder still feels full and i need to go straight away, but it used to feel like bursting! I also feel sicker as my bladder gets fuller. Does Dr. B's dissertation explain things like why we feel nauseous etc.? I was thinking of buying it to get a better understanding of what is going on in my body.