Need reassurance about Bifido tolerance ("Old-timers" would lOVE to hear from you)

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Hi all

Feeling a bit discouraged. Was on bifido for 1 month. This week I had bad bladder burning and frequency and suddenly couldn't tolerate it. Dr. B actually wanted me to INCREASE my dose, which I understand, as I have had many good hours on the Bif this month. So I tried to increase it yesterday but too much pain. She told me to take it out for three days and try again. 

Did anyone have this experience and then was able to take a short break and resume? I realize I might have to wait longer to re-introduce it, but wondering if some have been able to push through after a short break!



Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

I've been able to push through as long as the pain wasn't too terrible.  Other times I've had to hold off and try again later.  
It is always hard to try things knowing that it might cause more pain.  But the chances are just as good that it might actually be better.  Hang in there!

Honeybee's picture

It is really strange but sometimes thebigger dose DOES make it difference-in fact I am boggled by how much the doses responded to the specifics. I mean how does that even WORK? seriously how 2 sips more is not good but 3 sips is perfect? WHAT?  But it is true. I remember how I had waaay back in early tx I really had to go slow and add a little bit at a time to accept it  but had many many many points where The BIF was my best friend. Like right now. I am WAITING for my Bif to arrive. toe tapping and fuming. shoulda gone thru dangit. Keeps me regular. Don't fear the probios. They get to be waaay wonderful friends to you. There is an adjustment period in the beginning. 
And weridly enough if I ever did get frequency which was not my main issue at all- she would somtimes put me ON BIF!  All I am saying is at first our bodies will not like a new thing and sometimes we don't need the particular probios at certian point.  it IS very powerful these probios. But you do develop a tolerance and it can take some time and you can give it an introduction and then take it out and then work back up to it and get it to accept it. Then you get tothe point where yourbody is alike BIF heckyeah! ( cookie monster noise) umnumnumnum. You will seeeeee. 

Mimij67's picture

THANKS SO MUCH to all of you!!
Mary, godspeed to your probios. They are GREAT for elimination, that is for sure!!! I don't need magnesium when I am on Bif. It is wonderous in that regard. My large intestine surely could have used a lot more Bif and a lot less sugar and alcohol in my 20s and 30s. *Sigh* No going back now!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

pterzwife's picture

Oh I see. She has me on 2 bif 3x a day and I really go. Just to remind you, I could not tolerate the dilute bif for the longest time. Maybe not until 7-8 months in.

MissCC's picture

Wow Bonnie so you mean you are having 2 x full bif capsules 3 times a day? How much of the superdophilus are you on now? I'm always curious to know what doses of probiotics people get pushed up to as they tolerate it. I'm still on 1 x full superdophilus 3 times a day and half a bifido 3 times a day. Are you on any other probiotic yet. I think the 3rd one Dr B adds in is Bulgaricium or something like that?? Was wondering if you or anyone else can tell me at what stage Bulgaricium is added in and whether it's like Bif as far as being a bit difficult to tolerate initially?

Mimij67's picture

It is different for everyone as far as Bulgaricum goes. Not everyone has all three. Dr. B told me she does different combos for different people and does not necessarily use all of them on everyone. HTH

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Anneke's picture

I am just passed the year mark and only tolerating 1 cap of bifido in 5 days, just a tiny tiny bit per dose. So Mimi don' t feel discouraged about the bif thing, you are healing.

Tinkerbell7's picture

A little over a year ago, Dr. B started me on bifido.  I was on such a diluted amount... I think 1 tsp of a 2 cup solution (which contained only like, 1/4 of a cap).  I had a lot of increased symptoms, and about a month into it, she had me take it out to give me a break.  Fast foward a couple months, and I was having a lot of sinus problems... she told me to add back in a WHOLE cap of Bifido!  I was absolutely terrified considering my past negative experience.  I seriously thought my bladder was going to die.  But after adding in a whole cap, my bladder was fine.  This whole treatment process is so fluid... our bodies need different things at different times.  I've been on a whole cap of Bifido (actually, a little more than a whole cap right now..) for almost a year and have no problems with it.  I feel it actually helps with the symptoms I have now.  Don't get discouraged if your body can't handle the Bifido at this point... you will be able to tolerate it at some point. 

Mimij67's picture

Thanks all. For anyone's interest, here is how my mysterious body handled the bif this weekend: Had pain with dilute bif. Stopped it. Felt great for a day. Felt really bad on Easter morning. Dr. B had me add back in double dose of Bif. Felt MUCH better. On twice the bif I was on last week and doing fine so far? Crazy....

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

sandmor's picture

Mimi, glad you're feeling better!  I'm not there yet but I'm learning so much from all of your experiences.

pterzwife's picture

An interesting trajectory, Mimi.  For what it is worth, Dr. B has me taking 7 bif per day with 6K Vit D. Nothing else.

Mimij67's picture

Bon, you are chugging the bif! You are the queen of bif :) Interesting.
This afternoon had frequency again with the bif and this time Dr. B told me to "Ride it out". Fingers crossed. She has done this before so I need  to trust!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Pixie's picture

Wow!  This is all so interesting...
I just started taking 1 mega instead of 1/2 and I feel that it helps as well...I was mortified to take more than 1/2 but apparently it is right for me at the moment....

Congrats on the bif !!!  You all are rockstars :) 

Mattia had me doing 1  mega with 1/4 cup of water....if we do more than 1/4 cup do you guys think it matters? It's not always easy to have a measuring cup nearby lol...
I eat it with food so I figure it is all getting mixed in there anywway :) 

Tinkerbell7's picture

Pixie, I asked her about the 1/4 cup thing before... actually, it was at my first appointment.  She said that the herbs would taste so foul that I wouldn't want any more water.  I don't use a measuring cup when I make my herbs now though... I just eyeball what I think 1/4 cup looks like.  She said that was fine.