Overnight flight

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I may have to fly on a red eye on an economy overnight in Jan. My entire body paralyzes at rthe thought and the anxiety about it is growing. Then, I thought: if I could just take something to relax...I have relaxed at the dreaded dentist on their nitrous oxide  machine with no flare. That made me wonder if any of you have taken some sort of sleep-aid or relaxant just the once with no reactions? It would be a relief to know of it and may be what makes it possible. Long uncomfortable sitting makes for flaring and muscle pain for me. Any expriences from any of you would be very appreciated!

DLFox123's picture

Hi Lolo,

After years of Benzos, in the last two years, I've only had two - that being for annual MRI"s that send me over the edge.  I am not saying this to suggest that you take a benzo - I don't recomend that to anyone.  I am simply leading into an alternative - which is Tylenol with Codeine - which while Matia isn't a huge fan of - she says that it is probably far less harmful to me.  I kind of fell into the idea when I had surgery and was on them for pain.  Anyway, my GP will actually write a very limited perscription, knowing that I use them for anxiety.  She admits that she's far happier that I use them, occasionally, rather than the Benzo.

Just a thought that you might ask Matia and your GP about.


lolo's picture

I reallyappreciate this, Denise..thanks! I actually have these (tylenol w/codeine) in the cupboard from husband's dental work so anxiety lessened some just by knowing they're there...I will get both Dr's advice as you say...

Any other thoughts still very welcome

I would consider the nitrous oxide machine w/mask (great fan for dental work) but doubt I'd get past the gate :)


Claire's picture

Hi Lolo,

I used to have terrible flying anxiety and always relied on benzos to get me through.  IDK if your issue is the same or if it's more the length of the flight and associated pain.  At any rate, I know this sounds totally cheesy, but I use guided relaxation and meditation mp3s instead and they really help me!  I also walk around a lot and am "that person" who stretches and does yoga poses by the bathroom.  Here are 2 relaxation recordings I like:



And when I was having high pain, Matia didn't want me to take oxy/hydrocodone or tylenol with codeine but she said I could if I had to.  She's not a fan but she gets it. 

Best wishes on a safe and healthy flight!

lolo's picture

Hi Claire...wow..this helps!! Cheesy it's NOT!!!! Meditation is a big part of my daily life and I have found it life-changing. I am studying Vipassana (Insight) and welcome your web help..very very helpful  Thank You!!!...It's just that lately with various challenges I sometimes forget to practice it or don't take time to do it. I will put that in the basket and I think I could also use some pharmaceutical help..just to have, in case...it's mostly the pain from sittiing so long and the overnighting..Not until Jan, but anxiety is underway...aaargh! Your experience and understanding is gold to me... Be well....L

deir's picture

HI Lolo- I don't know anythign about medicines to relax but I wanted to say that I applaud your courage!!! I am currently working on a big show and it was exttremely scary because I felt horrific during my last show. My dear mentor who knows all about the IC told me I was courageous and I realized yes! when we attempt to "live" despite our fears of flares etc, we are so very brave. 

So I hope you have a wonderful trip and I know you will get throuthg the flight- it just might not be fun but it will end. xo

lolo's picture

Hello Dear Deir:your choice to perform and trust in spite of IC often humbles me 

And then, you send this message!!! 

Through tears and fears, I thank you...onward with hope (flying in January)